Drawer Organization (T-shirts)

If you’ll recall, one of my goals this month is to clean out and organize a couple of drawers in my master bedroom.  I hadn’t decided which ones yet but my t-shirt drawer kind of made the decision for me.  My t-shirt drawer has been over stuffed for a while now and one day I went to retrieve a shirt that was underneath others and then whole thing just exploded!  I couldn’t get the other shirts back into the drawer so it was time to take care of it.












Not gonna lie though……the drawer stayed this way for a few days until I had time to get to it!

As usual, the first step was to empty the drawer completely and create a couple of piles.  In this case, the piles were only two; keep and donate.  Usually with cleaning out, there is also a “throw out” category but because this drawer contains shirts that I wear outside of the house I knew there was nothing to throw out.  In case you’re wondering, the answer is YES, I also have a drawer of shirts that I only wear inside the house for cleaning, painting and anything that may be grimy work!


















The worse thing about having this drawer so overstuffed was that there were perfectly cute and fun t-shirts that never saw the light of day because they were buried.

(otherwise known as my favorite part of the clean out)





























After items were removed and piles created, it was time to start organizing by color.














The other annoying thing that happens when clothing is not properly stored is that the t-shirts get wrinkled.
There is no reason for t-shirts to be wrinkled and need ironing before wearing.  Not taking care of clothing can create more work than necessary.


The donate pile was not organized by color because……WHY????!!!??  But, I did fold the shirts so that they can be more easily stored until it’s time to do the actual donation.
And then of course, we get to put the color coordinated and properly folded shirts back in the drawer waiting to be worn.

I store my t-shirts like a filing system so that I can more easily see which shirts are which. It also makes it harder to over fill the drawer if you stick to the system.  If you start to just shove shirts on top of one another, then at some point it all EXPLODES!!!

Note: this is not a time-consuming task at all. From start to finish, it was about one hour to complete.

One drawer done and several more to go!

Are you working on any cleaning or organizing projects? Share in the comments!

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