Monthly Memory Keeping-August Project Life

We are cruising through these months. Not that long ago we were all bored at home and time felt like it was not only standing still but also going backward. Well, though we are not back to normal, I think we’re inching towards our new normal. This is my life in pictures for August 2021.


August news
Project Life news

This month started with a lot of news about the delta variant, breakthrough cases, and the unvaccinated being hospitalized and dying. We didn’t get comfortable but I think we started thinking that we had turned a corner. Well, we did turn a corner but it was the wrong one!


memory keeping news
documentation news

COVID be damned!! Not really but staying safe sometimes means staying home. For me, staying home means working on projects and my living room refresh is ramping up with taking items off of the walls, filling holes and starting to paint!


memory keeping news
project life news

This week finds me being excited about my SF Giants being in 1st place! My little brother turns 28 this week and the start of football season!!!


august news
memory keeping news

There was a lot going on in the news this week but I’m choosing to focus on my life and not the news. But for documentation sake I’ll remind myself that the fires in Tahoe are burning out of control, COVID cases, especially the delta variant are on the rise and the U.S. is starting to pull the troops out of Afghanistan and the Taliban is taking over.


August Project Life

The news still sucks but I’m hanging with people who fill me up with good!

More than half the year is over and we go shakily into the final 4 months of 2021. No one can guess what that will be like because things are changing so very rapidly. I am going to make a commitment to myself to pay attention to the news because I believe it’s important to know what’s going on but my focus will be on myself and those in my immediate world. I want to show up for myself and for them.
See you in September!!

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