Office Closet Clean Out-Part One

office closet

Calling this just an office closet clean out is really an understatement.  While I did in fact, clean out the closet in my office, doing that led to so much other cleaning and reorganizing.

Because there is so much going on, I’m going to split this post in to 2 separate posts.  This first one will deal with the office closet itself. Part 2 will document the many other areas that got re-constituted.
To begin, we’ll just go with the office closet.


The closet in my office/guest room holds both office supplies, home decor, craft supplies and stuff that has no where else to go. Per usual, I have accumulated a ton of stuff during the 14 years that I have lived here. I have enough office supplies to open my own store as well as craft supplies and future craft projects.

One of the bigger issues I have is the several boxes of e-waste that I need to figure out how to get rid of. It consists of cords and cords and cords and plugs and stuff!

One of my goals is to have all of my home decor in one place.  I have stuff in all of my cabinets and closets and it can be tricky remembering what I have.  Another goal is to have my craft projects and project materials inside the closet. Because I have so much stuff, I am often finding little nooks and crannies in which to cram place items!
As a result of having items all over the room, it feels cramped and crowded both visually and literally!

The Beginning and the Middle

Let me refresh your memory about where we started ( the beginning)

and in process (the middle)

And now, the finished product: The End

The right side of the closet continues to house mostly stationary/office supplies as well as some home decor items on the top shelf.

The left side of the closet houses a dresser with supplies (see part two), home decor and project supplies.

I realize that the finished product is not  Pinterest/Instagram worthy but it did meet my goals of (1) wanting to get my home decor in one place and (2) getting my future craft projects and project materials inside the closet.

One of the areas that I am most proud of is utilizing the bar to hang items!  

bar to hang items
Hanging items from the bar

This not only gets them off of the floor but they also don’t take up valuable space on the shelves! It was an in the moment stroke of genius!!

Part Two will document ALL of the other areas that got a makeover including the dresser and the plastic bin inside the closet as well as a couple of areas outside of the closet!

One of the benefits of decluttering and re-organizing is that I have some EMPTY bins (see part two)!!


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