Month: April 2019

Hallway Home Decor

Just a quick post to share some recently purchased home decor items.  I also want to share when I choose to make something vs. buying an item. I recently purchased these signs and decided that I would display them in my hallway area. It’s about high time I completely finished the space! It’s mostly done…

Office Closet Clean Out-Part Two

This cleaning out and reorganizing job was much bigger than planned and it requires 2 posts. Cleaning usually leads to getting rid of things but sometimes it also leads to reorganizing other unplanned areas. In this case, I don’t mind it because it made my guest room/office not only more organized but more importantly, more…


Let’s take a look at where we stand as we begin this 4th month of 2019. As you’ll recall, I set monthly goals that facilitate the completion of my overall annual goals. This year, I’ve divided them into categories to help me focus better on what I’d like to accomplish. To begin, we’ll go over…

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