August Goals and July Results

It’s time again to go over my goals for July, see the results, and set my intentions for August.

Let’s review my July goals and see how I did:

Clean out 3 drawers in the master bedroom. Since I didn’t get to it in June, I’ll shoot for it this month.  One of the drawers will definitely be my t-shirt drawer.  It is packed to the gills, will barely open or close, I can’t see what’s in the drawer so many cute shirts are not being worn (and that is just wrong)!
RESULT: Partial success-I did do the t-shirt drawer which was ridiculously disorganized and stuffed but I didn’t get to any others.  Still, I accomplished the task that needed the most attention.

Gallery Wall: Choose the photos.  That’s it!  I already know the sizes and the number of photos I need.  I just need to go through my photo library and choose the pics.
RESULT: Huge success!  Not only did I choose the photos but I also got the gallery wall completed!  Once I choose the photos and ordered them, I was anxious to get them in their frames.  It took me a full day but I got it accomplished! I cannot even begin to tell you how happy I am to cross this task off of my “get it done” list.

CD project: Like many people, I have a crap load of CD’s.  I don’t really listen to them anymore but I am not interested in getting rid of them at least not without saving the music.  Ultimately, I want all of the CD’s in a music library on my computer.  This is a massive time undertaking and will be done in small bite sized pieces over a long period of time! My goal for this month is to start the project by removing the CD’s from the 2 holders I have in the living room and master bedroom, write down what I have and store them away. Later on, as I add the music to the library, I can check them off my list.
RESULT: Minor success.  The only thing I managed to do was to get containers to house the CD’s after I take them out of the CD towers and figure out where to keep them while I work on this project.

CRAFT AREA-clean out at least one drawer, cubbie or space each week until completely done. This is just the beginning.  I have a craft space (not a craft room) but I have a ton of supplies and it’s time to pare down.  I plan to get rid of some things that haven’t been used since the last time I cleaned this space and make sure that everything else has a place. This most pressing area (& the area where I will start) is the scrap paper area.  In crafting, having scrap paper is very useful but mine has gotten to the point where I can’t fully close some of the drawers.

CD PROJECT-continue to catalog my collection.  I didn’t get too much done in July but I did start it which was the goal.  I hope to have all of the CD’s out of their shelves and written down by the end of the month.  I also plan to have the CD tower in the living room removed as I prepare for a little decor update in that space.

HALLWAY-Spot clean and shampoo the hallway carpet. This is the final step in my hallway refresh that started November 2017 and was supposed to be finished by the end of the year.

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