October Monthly Goals

Welcome to the last quarter of 2024. Time to check in on how September goals went and plan for October goals. Review of September Goals: HOME:Donation Run: In Progress-this means that I got some of the items in my car but haven’t dropped them off yet. Get rid of electronic items: In Progress-I have a…

Everyday Fashion and Style

I’m back with another fashion and style post! I’m not going to be on anyone’s runway just the runway of life! STYLE #1 Today, I style my camo wide leg pants with a beige body suit. I have always had a thing for camo pants, they elevate a look with little effort. Anytime you would…

May Project Life

Getting back on schedule with sharing my project life updates. Hopefully, in the next few weeks, I’ll be back on track. My monthly goal is to always attempt to post the previous month visuals in the middle of the current month. Clear? Great! Let’s move on……. MAY 1-7 Looking back at these vacation photos brings…

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