It’s time for me to share my project life spread for January. I am doing the same system as last year and using the same products. I found that doing it this way helped me to keep up with my memory keeping activities. Just to refresh, I use the Big Happy Planner and the HP…
Category: Memory Keeping
Crafts, Memory Keeping
Organizing the Craft Carts
The Carts I decided to clear out a couple of carts that I use for crafting and project life documenting. You may be asking yourself, “why does she have two different carts? Aren’t both of those activities “crafting”?” The answer to your question is YES both are crafting but I sometimes (often) acquire products that…
Memory Keeping
December Project Life
It is that time of the month again!! Here is my December Project Life spread which concludes my 2018 album!!! This is the first time since I started doing Project Life in 2010 that I am finishing up my album on time! I am continuing with Project Life for 2019 because I really enjoy doing…
Memory Keeping
November Project Life
Memory keeping is in full force and for the first time since I started project life in 2010 I am caught up and not stressing about how many months behind I am. My current system using the Big Happy Planner and printing photos using my Sprocket is what has been effective. The other piece is…
Memory Keeping
October Project Life
Here we are again!! I have completed my project life spreads for October and I could not be happier!! I know I say this every month but it bares repeating (if only for me to remember when I feel discouraged). Participating in this daily and monthly project shines a light on just how good…
Memory Keeping
September Project Life
We’ve made it to the 9th month of the year and I am completely caught up with my 2018 Project Life album! This is monumental for me. I have been participating in making a Project Life album since 2010 and I am always behind. This confirms that doing the album in this way using the…
Crafts, Memory Keeping
August Project Life-Under the Wire
Hello again! So I took a week off from blogging just because. Well, really I was away from home for a few days and as I have said all year, time management is not my strong suit. In my fantasy world, I have blog posts written and ready to go at least a month in…
Life, Memory Keeping
July Project Life
Yay for me!! I’m posting my monthly spread for project life this on time this month. I realize that the timing doesn’t matter to anyone other than me but it is important to me that I (1) keep up with my project life album this year and (2) that I post around the time…
Memory Keeping
Project Life for June
It’s that time of the month where I share my project life pages with you. Project Life is my favorite memory keeping activity and I have been doing it since 2010! In general, I take a picture every day and write a little something about it. One of the ideas that I love about Project…
Memory Keeping
Project Life for May-mostly on time
It’s that time of the month again! Time to share my Project Life spread for May. I’m not late like with the April spread but I’m also not sharing earlier in the month as I’d like to do. In any event, I’ve made progress on being more on time. And part of June is done…