Category: Life

Annual Oscar Party 2019

On Sunday, February 24, I hosted my annual Oscar party. I was I knew which annual it is but I don’t remember and I don’t feel like going through years of digital photos to figure it out. Suffice it to say, it’s been several years!Hosting the Oscar party means one thing. The 91st Academy Awards…

TV and Real Life

It’s January 29 and I already have a life update. What this means is that my plans and scheduled activities have been thwarted by unexpected life events. Rather than stress about it and worry about it, I am attempting to accept the changes and deal with them as they come. CAR ACCIDENT The first unexpected…

Happy Thanksgiving

Just dropping in to wish you all a wonderful thanksgiving holiday! I am spending some time with my family during this thanksgiving week and hope you are doing the same. If I can manage to get it together for Monday, November 26, I will share some of the family shenanigans and adventures with my friends…

Top 10 Favorite Lifestyle Blogs

I have read blogs for many years now.  I started out reading mostly craft and scrapbooking blogs.  I was looking for creative inspiration and found it! Because I was a newbie crafter, I loved that these expert creatives listed sizes, supplies and resources to find these goodies.  Well, down the rabbit hole I went and…

One Year Blog-A-Versary

I can hardly believe it. I have officially been blogging for one year now! My first post went live on October 16, 2017. It was named Hello and Welcome. I was so nervous when I posted it. I felt so exposed and vulnerable. At my age, not much makes me feel that way so it…

Stay Tuned for More

I intended to have a blog post ready to go today but I got busy with regular life stuff. So stay tuned because in the  upcoming weeks, I plan to have some fun content to share with you including my first year anniversary of blogging, Le Diner a San Francisco, the Belmont Water Dog 5k…

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