Category: Life


Wishing you all a very happy Labor Day! It is the official/unofficial end of summer!I’ll refrain from mentioning how many days left until Christmas or the end of the year but I will remind us all that we are in the final 4 months of 2019. Time to review those annual goals, see what’s working…

Unplanned Blog Break

You may have noticed that I’ve been absent from the blog for a bit. Other than my Words of Wisdom posts, I haven’t written any blog posts.  This break was unplanned but rather than feel guilty about it, I decided to lean into it as they say. I had been feeling a bit overwhelmed and…

Exploring Las Vegas 2019

If you read my last post, you know that I was in Las Vegas recently for a planner conference. To maximize our experience, we built in time for exploring. Even though I’ve been to Vegas a ton of times, there is so much to do and see that it doesn’t really get old. You can…

PlannerCon 2019

I attended PlannerCon again this year! It has been going on for 3 years and I have attended every year. What is this event you ask? It’s like ComicCon but for people who like using paper planners. I know that in this very digital world, paper planning seems like an anomaly but believe me, there…

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