I’m plugging along on this office update and am fairly confident that I will be done by the end of the month!In the meantime, today I’m sharing what is often my favorite part of projects-the DIY decor! It’s these details that finish off a room and make it personal and unique. Bulletin Board I don’t…
Category: Home Projects
Home Projects
Future Projects-What’s Next-The Living Room?
As I wrap up my office refresh, it’s time to start thinking about and prepping for what to do next. I’m not done with the office and I won’t be moving on until I am done, but I know that I want to work on either my living room or craft area next. My mind…
Home Projects
Office Refresh-Handling the Paperwork
I’m working hard my finishing my office refresh. I’m reminded while doing this project that the big projects kind of take care of themselves. It’s the more minor details that lead to the success of the project as they seem to require the most attention. In this case, I am dealing with paper clutter. No…
Home Projects, Life
Because of the pandemic and being in quarantine for much of the year, it’s easy to think that nothing really got accomplished. While it may be true that we didn’t get to do some of what we planned, I seriously doubt that “nothing” got done! Let’s review my master “want to do list” for 2020.…
Home Projects
It has taken a long time to get to this point but we have arrived. The master bath refresh is complete! And by complete, I mean that there are no projects left for me to do! I am done and most importantly, I am very happy with the results. This refresh started right before the…
Goals/Productivity, Home Projects, Life
November Monthly Goals
Welcome to the 11th month of this crazy & unexpected year!! It’s so weird to think about this year finally ending and hoping that 2021 brings us……well something different from this year! If nothing else, I’m trying to remember that in spite of having to isolate and quarantine for most of this year there was still…
Home Projects
An Unexpected and Unplanned Project
Out of the blue, I needed to replace the window blinds in may master bedroom. In reality, the blinds needed to be replaced a long time ago but………I just didn’t do it! Many years ago, the stick that turned the blinds broke. A few years after that, one of the faux wood blinds broke on…
Goals/Productivity, Home Projects
Small Projects-The Master Closet
You may be wondering how cleaning and re-organizing is a small project. Well, the answer is because the closet is already pretty organized but I’ve run out of hangers. What that means is that I need to get rid of some clothes. For this project, I’m taking out what doesn’t fit, what I don’t wear…
Goals/Productivity, Home Projects
Small Projects-Cleaning out the Dresser
I’m back with another small project. Cleaning out the dresser drawers is one of those projects that I don’t typically think about doing until things start to get tight and I have a hard time closing the drawers. The good news for me is that I do this often enough that it really isn’t a…
Goals/Productivity, Home Projects
Small Projects-Guest Room Closet
This was a project that was on my monthly goals list. The idea was to de-clutter the home decor from this closet as well as the hall closet and linen closet. I wanted to have all of my decor items in one spot so that I can see what I actually have. Just for reference,…