Well, hello again! I’ve been gone for a bit now. Unplanned but not wasted time. I went on a wonderful vacation (post to come in the near future) and then I just got busy and lazy. In any event, I am back and ready to share. The last goals post I wrote was in April.…
Category: Goals/Productivity
April Monthly Goals
Welcome to April!! Time really flies whether you’re having fun or not!! March was an interesting month for goals and getting stuff done. As it’s the 3rd month in the first quarter, there is a feeling that some habits or to-do’s should be more solidified. I feel like I made some progress but also feel…
March Monthly Goals-1st Quarter Ending
Believe it or not, we’ve entered the 3rd month of 2024. It is also the last month of the 1st quarter of the year. There is a book called, “The 12 week Year” which is about focusing on goals by quarter vs annually. I have not read the book yet but I believe the premise…
February Monthly Goals-what will be the focus
JANUARY REVIEW HOME *start laundry closet makeover–DONE. I chose a couple of paint samples and the wallpaper. *finish guest room closet declutter–IN PROGRESS. I did not get the whole thing completed but I did put some work in on this space. *get rid of the filing cabinet in the guest room–NOPE. I am going to…
Goals/Productivity, Home Projects
2024 Annual Goals
Today, it’s time to share my extensive list of items I’d like to tackle in my home and life this year-2024. As always with my home list, I don’t expect to get everything done but I like to write down everything I’ve been thinking about doing. HOME KITCHEN:*repair kitchen ceiling*do a fun treatment on the…
2023 Goals Review-How Did It Go?
We’re here in 2024 now, but let’s look back at the last year and review how I did meeting my stated goals. I’m going to go over my home goals first and then review some personal goals. Home Kitchen Repair CeilingPaint CabinetsDeclutter CabinetsI didn’t get any of these done in 2023. Dining Room Clean out…
Welcome to 2024-January 2024 Monthly Goals
We’ve made it to a new year! Sometimes, time seems to fly and at other times it feels like I have all the time in the world. I didn’t like how 2023 ended for me in terms of me being sick and not being able to get all the things done that I wanted to. No…
Monthly Goals-December 2023-It’s Holiday Time
We made it! It’s the final year of 2023 which means that we are full into the holiday season. This is a time to reflect and celebrate and to be grateful. For me, this is a time to loosen the reins on the productivity and goals a bit. Actually, this is a time to focus…
Monthly Goals-November 2023
We are completely in the home stretch for 2023 goals. Last month, I reviewed my annual goals list and decided which I would focus on for the remainder of 2023. I can’t believe it’s already November with one month to go. I’m not feeling confident about that annual list but I’ll do my best. Let’s…
Final Quarter of the Year-What Will I Do
It’s a bit hard to believe but we are in the final quarter of 2023! I’m really not sure how this happens but time truly does fly. At the beginning of every year, I write a very ambitious list of projects I’d like to complete. I continue to work on how to plan for and…