Okay, let’s just get right to it! February did not go as I wanted it to. I have my reasons which involve my trigger finger issue but another factor has to do with mind set. My mind set was such that I wanted to do what I wanted to do and if I couldn’t then…
Category: Goals/Productivity
February Monthly Goals
After 165 days in January, it’s time to share my goals, projects and habits. Let’s review how things went last month and the plan for February. HOME Clean out my primary closet-NOPE. I didn’t do this at all but I learned something this month. And that is, I have to take care of getting my…
2025 Project List and Goals
Well, we’ve reviewed how my goals for 2024 went and we’ve made new goals for January and now it’s time to delve into our goals and project plans for 2025.As I mentioned in my goals review post, this year I want to write better goals, and then engage in tasks each month to meet that…
2024 Goals Review-What Did I Get Done (or not)
Last week, I shared my goals for this current month and today I will review how I did with my goals for last year, 2024.This practice can be fun sometimes but also a little depressing. It’s fun to review but sometimes if feels as if not much happened. Though I know that this isn’t really…
January Monthly Goals
If December is my 2nd favorite goal month, then January is my absolute favorite. There is nothing like the fresh start of a new year to think about goals, intentions and just how you want your life to be. December was the month where I really chose to focus on spending time with family, friends,…
Project Update-Bedroom Drawers
Just a quick update post today. I finally decluttered and cleaned out 2 bedroom drawers. It’s definitely one of those tasks that doesn’t take a long time but it’s also a task that is easy to put off! I hope I remember not only how easy it is to clean out a drawer but also…
December Monthly Goals-My 2nd Favorite Goal Month
This might be my 2nd favorite month of the year for goals. Why you ask? Because it’s the final month of the year for goal completion and it means that I likely got some stuff done. January is my favorite month for goals because I always have such hope and ambition and it’s exciting to…
November Monthly Goals
As we head towards the end of the year in less than 60 days, let’s review our goals for last month. I try not to put too much pressure on myself to get lots done during this time of year but I still want to maintain a “to do” or “get it done” rhythm! October…
October Monthly Goals
Welcome to the last quarter of 2024. Time to check in on how September goals went and plan for October goals. Review of September Goals: HOME:Donation Run: In Progress-this means that I got some of the items in my car but haven’t dropped them off yet. Get rid of electronic items: In Progress-I have a…
Annual Goal Check In
I’m about a few months late in doing this check in but better late than never! We have about 3 months left in the year and I want to (1) see what I’ve gotten done and (2) figure out what I’ll attempt before the end of the year. I always write an ambitious list at…