Hello again! So I took a week off from blogging just because. Well, really I was away from home for a few days and as I have said all year, time management is not my strong suit. In my fantasy world, I have blog posts written and ready to go at least a month in…
Category: Crafts
Make-Motivate-Connect Link Party #5
It’s party time again! I’m having a lot of fun creating and sharing for these weekly challenges! The challenges are fun because it allows me to create just for fun while also challenging me to create in a way that I may not normally. This week’s challenge is to use flowers-a card, scrapbook page, tag,…
Happy Birthday-Link Party #4
Here’s a quick card share for the Make-Motivate-Connect, link party #4. This week’s challenge is to do a birthday card. I call my card a non-traditional birthday card only in that it doesn’t say “happy birthday”! But, there are a ton of ways to wish someone a happy birthday! Please make sure you visit…
Link Party Share-Color Challenge
It’s week 2 and another challenge for the Make-Create-Connect link up party! The challenge this week is to make a card using the colors yellow, orange and pink. A fourth color is allowed as well. I made a simple birthday card that “may” be going to one of the many friends and family who are…
Craft Area
Today, I am participating in a link up with Creations With Christina. If you are new to my blog (and most of you are since my blog is less than a year old), WELCOME! I blog about diy projects, home maintenance and decor, project life, crafting, and my life in general. I have many areas…
Crafts, Goals/Productivity
Plannercon 2018-Productivity with Creativity
Plannercon? What the heck is Plannercon??? Well, it’s like ComicCon but for paper planner enthusiasts. These enthusiasts run the gamut from those who engage in bullet journaling, traveler’s notebooks and traditional paper planning. Some of us choose to decorate our planners with stickers and other ephemera while others call themselves functional planners meaning they don’t…
Craft Space-where the magic happens
In addition to writing this blog, I love to craft! Crafting is a somewhat new hobby for me in that I picked it up much later in life. As a child, I was not really what you’d call CREATIVE. I liked to read, play sports, watch tv and listen to music. Sometime in my 40’s…
Crafts, Memory Keeping
Project Life 2018-Starting the New Year
Project Life 2018 is off to a good start in spite of 2017 not being finished! As I’ve discussed in the past, I am bound and determined to not “get behind” and to keep up with my album this year. I am using a Big Happy Planner and HP sprocket to help facilitate this process.…
Crafts, Goals/Productivity, Home Projects, Memory Keeping
If you read my end of the year reflections post, you know that there are several areas that I didn’t make much progress on in 2017. For review, these areas are: Decluttering Home Projects Personal & Spiritual Growth-including self-care Health and Fitness For this year, I will develop a much better plan to work on…
Belmont Craft Fair-what I learned
I participated in my very first craft fair on Saturday, November 18. I was very nervous but excited as well. I participated with a friend who was selling earrings and having a friend there was a great help. Another friend came to help with our table and that added support helped quite a bit. The…