January 2025 Project Life

It’s 2025 and I am continuing with my Project Life, day in the life, daily photo project. I’ve been doing this project in some form since 2010! For those who are not in know, Project Life is a project where you take a photo per day that describes your life or something happening in your life. There are many ways to do Project Life; some do weekly photos, some quarterly, some whenever they feel like it. The traditional way is a photo per day demonstrating that ALL life is important and not just the special times or special events. Laundry, grocery shopping, car washes, cleaning, etc…are a part of all of our daily lives. In some ways, it’s a way to romanticize your life-when you take a photo of your laundry, part of sharing it says that though laundry is not as special as a birthday party it’s still an important part of life.
Real life is not lived on the edges, it’s lived right in the middle and at every angle.

So now, I present to you my January Project Life.






I love memory keeping and plan to keep doing Project Life for the forseeable future. I haven’t seen or found anything else that even interests me. I haven’t looked in my older albums in a while. I’m interested to see what my process was like then.
This year, in addition to regular daily life photos I also want to remember to get notable and newsworthy photos in as well. I still hope that long after I’m gone someone will go through my albums to see what life was like and appreciate the “historical” perspective.
See you in February!

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