March Monthly Goals

Okay, let’s just get right to it! February did not go as I wanted it to. I have my reasons which involve my trigger finger issue but another factor has to do with mind set. My mind set was such that I wanted to do what I wanted to do and if I couldn’t then I didn’t do anything. My friend, Michyle, reminded me that doing anything is not only better than nothing but is as good as doing what was planned. In politics, in might be “the economy stupid” but in habit changing it’s “the mindset sweetheart!”
In relation the th finger issue, my appointment was put off for a couple of weeks and I was in severe pain. It made it hard to not only get things done but the pain also had me not wanting to get things done.

So, I will go over what my plans were for February and how I did. I do still believe that it’s progress and not perfection but some days are easier to believe this than others. And I know that it’s part of the process. It’s a new month and a new opportunity to make changes!

February Review

Clean out primary closet-NOPE
Goodwill Run-NOPE

Send out birthday cards-NOPE
Build out card stash-NOPE

Daily Stretch-NOPE
Cardio x 3 days per week-NOPE
Strength x 3 days per week-NOPE

February budget-NOPE
Track Receipts-YES!!!!!!
Open High Yield Savings Account (HYSA)-YES

Extras-something I didn’t put on my monthly goal list and should have (under creative) was to make decor for my Oscar Party on 3/2/25. YES

As I’ve mentioned in the past, sometimes I work on a project that was not planned because I just couldn’t take it anymore! That happened this month. I spent a good amount of time during the month working on cleaning and organizing my office. There were so many stacks of paper littered around my office, I had 3 tv trays covered with stuff that simply needed to be gone through and put away or discarded! I still have to deal with my couch but the hardest part is done.

Again, while there are plenty of things I didn’t get done, I did continue to do some items. I feel good about continuing to track my receipts even though I didn’t get my budget completed finished. This is important because when I fall off track, the finances are usually the first to go!



*Clean out primary closet
*Goodwill Run
*Clean off couch in office


*Send out birthday cards
*Go through 2022 Project Life pages-order missing pages


*Cardio x 3 days per week
*Strength x 3 days per week
*Stretch x 5 days per week


*Complete March budget
*Track Receipts

Me Time
I’m adding this category this month but I’m not sure if it will be a monthly thing. Right now there are 2 things I want to focus on.
*take a bath-this one seems so silly but I have a bath tub in my guest bathroom and I can’t tell you the last time I used it. One of the issues was that it didn’t have a plug that fit. I recently found one and am looking forward to taking at least a relaxing bath once per month.
*Journal 5 times per week. I’ve gotten very good at gratitude journaling nightly which I enjoy. However, I am trying to also develop a long form journaling habit. I want to get thoughts out of my head and on to paper. And maybe I’ll learn some things about myself!

Running To Do List
There is no update here. I have not added or checked anything off of the list this month.

I’m looking forward to using this month to reset myself and my house. I’m going to work hard on shifting my mindset to anything vs nothing.

Any advice? Share in the comments!!

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