Well, we’ve reviewed how my goals for 2024 went and we’ve made new goals for January and now it’s time to delve into our goals and project plans for 2025.
As I mentioned in my goals review post, this year I want to write better goals, and then engage in tasks each month to meet that larger goal.
Separate from that, I want to document my plans for working on my home. These are really not goals as much as they are different projects that I’d like to complete. For my mindset, this feels less stressful but also more accurate as to what I’m trying to achieve.
I also plan to continue with my Running To Do List (RTDL). These are smaller projects that shouldn’t take more than a couple of hours to get done. Ideally, I would like to work on at least one of these tasks each month. I’ll add to the list as needed.
*clean out primary closet
*build out shelves in the pantry
*clean out/re-organize the linen closet
*clean out the hall closet
*have the kitchen ceiling repaired
*declutter kitchen cabinets
*clean out garage storage
*create scrapbook pages for 2022, 2023 and 2024. This is where I create a scrapbook page that holds all of the cards and letters that I received in that year.
*create a scrapbook page highlighting the dedication of the Patton building.
*complete the scrapbook frame in the hallway. This is likely where I will put the photos from the Democratic Convention from 2023.
*send out birthday and event cards monthly
*build a card stash for the year for different occasions
*continue with Project Life for 2025
2025 GOALS
Main Goal:
Improve my overall health including my weight & blood sugar
*make exercise a habit
*establish a weekly strength training routine
*reduce blood sugar to a healthy range
Each month I will do at least one of the following:
*meal plan & prep
*increase vegetable intake
*increase protein intake
*increase water intake
*reduce eating lunch out
*improve sleep habits
*engage in regular movement
*add or remove other activities/food/tasks as needed
Main Plan:
Establish a money/financial routine that allows for bill paying, saving, investments, etc..This routine will allow me to not worry about money or ignore my financial health.
*create a budget each month by using the template that I purchased
*track spending monthly
*engage in a no spend week or month if I feel it necessary
*have weeks or months where I buy nothing on Amazon (Amazon is a particular weakness for me and it is too easy to succumb. I’ve been working hard to buy more locally but it is very difficult.)
*open a high yield savings account
*transfer money in the HYSA at least monthly
Each month I will at least:
*create a monthly budget
*track spending
2025 Running To Do List (RTDL)
You’ll recognize many returning items. I will add to this list as items/tasks make themselves known.
*clean behind the refrigerator
*order the remaining 2022 Project Life pages
*order 2023 Project Life pages
*put 2022 PL pages into an album
*put 2023 PL pages into an album
*hem maxi dress
*touch up paint in the primary bathroom
*get rid of file cabinet in guest room
So that’s where we are for now. What do you think? Is this better way to think about what I want to get done? Is it still too ambitious or not ambitious enough? I always feel quite ambitious at the start of the year.
In addition to doing the monthly goals, I also plan to check in quarterly to see how things are going and if anything needs to be adjusted.
What are your goals/projects this year? Share in the comments!