December Monthly Goals-My 2nd Favorite Goal Month

december monthly goal header-my 2nd favorite goal month

This might be my 2nd favorite month of the year for goals. Why you ask? Because it’s the final month of the year for goal completion and it means that I likely got some stuff done. January is my favorite month for goals because I always have such hope and ambition and it’s exciting to think about what I may be able to accomplish.
In November, I was clear that I still wanted to get some stuff done but I did not want to overwhelm myself. That remains true for this month as well. I will have even fewer goals in December because, well, it’s December and there are lots of other favorite things to do during this time of year!

November Goal Review

Declutter 2-4 drawers-DONE. Basically, I buckled down and I did it! As usual, it didn’t take very long and I need to keep reminding myself of this fact.

Finalize holiday card design-DONE. I am very pleased that I worked hard to figure out what I wanted my design to be.

Start making cards-DONE with an explanation. As I started making the cards, I realized that there is no way that I can get these handmade cards made and sent out on time for the holidays. I spent a little thinking about what I would do instead. The one year that I did not make and send out cards I had some friends and family who thought maybe I died and others who thought they didn’t make the cut!
Since I do not want to contribute to that anxiety, I thought maybe I would do one of those photo cards that many do with themselves and their kids. However, after some thought and a little inspiration from watching Hallmark movies over the Thanksgiving holiday, I decided to create a much simpler card that I hope will signify my wishes for a wonderful holiday season. I make cards because it’s fun for me but I also hope the recipients know that they mean a lot to me and I don’t want to cut corners.

Make holiday gifts-DONE. I am so pleased that I got this done so early. I have a few more that have come up recently but for the most part the making is done. Now, I need to wrap them all!

Eat lunch out no more than 1 time per week-Nope but not as bad as it could have been. I actually ate out twice per week which is still better than 4 times per week. I just didn’t get myself organized enough. However, when I was working from home, I managed to make my lunch and didn’t succumb to buying food even though I definitely wanted to a few times!

Look for a budget template that does more of what I want it to do-DONE. This is the template that I have settled on. I haven’t downloaded it yet because I haven’t had time to focus and familiarize myself yet.
Now, I’m not fooling myself-I know that the template is only as good as my using it. But, after meeting with Michyle, the spread sheet wizard, I believe I have a better handle on what I want and need.
And now, on to December!


This final month of the year for me is to enjoy time with family and friends. I have dinner plans with different groups of friends scheduled, a few holiday parties and hopefully a Christmas lights walk.
The goal list this month is short but meaningful!


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*Goodwill Run-My plan is to get everything out that I’ve been decluttering in these last few months that hasn’t found its way into my trunk yet. It doesn’t look like I’ll get the file cabinet out this month but I have plenty of other things to get out of the way.


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*Mail my holiday cards by 12/18. I have a 5 day trip planned next week which means I have to work like an elf to get these cards made, addressed and in the mail by the 18th. I believe that labels will be used to make it easier and more efficient. I am of course hoping that I will be able to locate the address template that I’ve used in the past!

And that is it for the goals for December! Fitness/Health and financial will be picked up again in January.

What do you think? Should I have more goals this month or is taking it easy reasonable at this time of year? Do you have favorite months for goal planning? What are your plans for goals during this season?

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