Project Update-Kitchen Drawer

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Today I have a very brief update on a very small project. You know how sometimes there are things you want to update or change and then you just procrastinate for no good reason? Well, that’s what happened with this project.

My kitchen drawer that holds ziploc bags, foil, parchment papers and some small containers was a heavenly mess. I had to move everything around to find 1 thing. I finally decided to organize the drawer and headed to Amazon to get this drawer organizer! Now, you don’t need a drawer organizer but if it helps you then go for it!

I was so excited to get started and quite frankly a little disgusted with myself that it took me so long to do this task that I forgot to take a before picture. I’m sure that you can imagine what it looked liked.
I pulled everything out, put some items in the donation pile cuz no one needs 30 small cups with 15 lids!!!

Most of the folks I know have or had so many of these over the years! The lids get lost, they crack or break and I had way more cups than lids! They aren’t water tight or leak proof so it was fine to get rid of them. Plus, I have updated containers that work much better.

This is what the kitchen drawer looked like after everything was removed.

And then, I arranged the items into the kitchen drawer organizer.

I particularly like that I have a spot for the plastic as the cutter had ripped off of the box a long time ago!!

You can see in these photos that I have some of those small containers on the side. This is more than enough for my needs.

So that’s it. A small project that did not take a very long time but has a big impact! I was able to organize items that I use regularly, get rid of unused items and keep just what I need. Success!!

Do you have any small projects around the house that you’ve been procrastinating or putting off? Share in the comments.

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