Still Reading and Listening-The Journey Continues

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Let’s catch up on where I am in my reading goal for the year. I have continued to read and listen for pleasure and for my 2 book clubs. My annual goal is to read/listen to at least 65 books this year.
Today, I will share with you what I read and listened to in April and May.


False Witness

False Witness book-reading journey

This is the first book that I read by this author and it did not disappoint. This falls in the psychological thriller realm. Lots of twists and turns, did he or didn’t he, what did or didn’t happen. I liked it enough that I immediately read another by this author.

The Good Daughter

The Good Daughter Book-reading journey

Another super good thriller. I truly had no idea where this was going and everyone seemed to be guilty of something. Again, so good that I went for a 3rd one by this author.

Pretty Girls

psych thriller reading journey

3 for 3! This was another really good psychological thriller. It had all of the elements that makes a good thriller for me. What I like about thrillers in general is when the killer is within the midst and doesn’t come from out of nowhere. I don’t like when you read the whole book and the killer ends up being someone who wasn’t really even a part of the story!!

My Darkest Prayer

journey to read 65

Another book by my favorite psychological thriller author! I am clearly in a “dark” era here with these book choices. I had recently become aware of the 4th book by this author and just had to read it. His books are very dark but the stories are full and rich. I enjoyed this one as much as I enjoyed his other three (All The Sinners Bleed, Blacktop Wasteland and Razorblade Tears)!

Personal Librarian

 reading journey

Now this book is NOT a psychological thriller but it is from another favorite genre of mine-historical fiction. The book is about the personal librarian for J. P.Morgan. The story is about Belle da Costa Greene who hid her true identity. She is a black woman pretending to be white. It is an intriguing story as she had siblings who didn’t choose to “pass” and describes what it took for Belle to keep up this charade. Very interesting and thought provoking.

Reading Journey:
April=5 books read; 19 books total; 46 books remaining


The journey to read 65 books continues!

Hello Beautiful

reading journey

This book took a bit for me to get in to and there were at least 2 times that I considered not finishing. However, I decided to stick with it and am so glad that I did. Sometimes reading about messy families is hard!

The Authenticity Project

listening journey

This book has been on my TBR (to be read) list for quite awhile. I finally chose it for one of my bookclubs because I wanted to read something that seemed lighter. This book is often referred to as delightful and I think that is an apt description. It has some serious moments but for the most part it is an easy, light read that may bring a smile to your face. I liked it enough that I read another book by this author that I’ll talk about in a future post.

The Inmate

psych thriller reading journey

I continue to enjoy reading books by this author even though they are rather formulaic. The stories and the plots though are quite intriguing with lots of twists and turns. And as always, at the very end, there is always (so far) a final twist!

The Teacher

psych thriller journey

See above! This book was crazy in so many ways and the final twist made me gasp out loud! Even though these books have murder and are psychological thrillers they are not too terribly dark so they are easy to read or listen to.

The Mystery Guest

book 2 reading journey

This is the 2nd book by this author. The 1st was The Maid which was really good. The main character, Molly, is a maid at a luxury hotel and people keep dying or getting killed at this hotel. She also might be described as someone who is neurodivergent. Because Molly doesn’t see the world as everyone else does, she is becoming quite the detective. Of course, this also gets her into some trouble. I enjoyed this 2nd book following the adventures of Molly the maid.

Reading Journey:
May=5 books read; 24 books total; 41 books remaining

The journey continues. I am definitely on the slow side with reading but I continue to read and that makes me happy.
If you have any book suggestions or thoughts on the books I’ve read, jplease share in the comments.

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