Running To Do List (RTDL) Progress

running to do list picture

Since it’s been a little while, I thought I would do a separate post to update you all on my running to do list. I’ll admit, it’s been a slow slog but again I’m moving forward.

Clean Behind the Stove

This was a task I was not looking forward to because I knew that it would be disgusting and I was not disappointed!!
You can see that part of the floor is different from the tile!! The previous homeowners clearly saw no need to pull the stove out to make it match!! I can’t say I blame them as you can only see it when the stove is pulled out!!

running to do list-stove collage
running to do list-clean stove

Perhaps I should be embarrassed to show this to the internets and admittedly I am a bit embarrassed! However, I also know that I am not alone in the “behind the stove” grossness! It one of those cleaning jobs that gets forgotten about unless you put it on your monthly, quarterly, or annual cleaning lists. For me, this will go on the quarterly list from now on!

Goodwill Run

If you’ll recall, I was very busy decluttering and re-organizing different spaces in my home. The problem was that I was allowing it all to pile up in my dining room.
As you can see from the photos, I had so much stuff to get rid of. I not only filled up the trunk space but also the back seat!!

runningn to do list-goodwill run

I finally got rid of all of my CD’s which I’ve been moving from room to room for at least 5 years now!!  They took everything in my car and I felt so light once it was all gone!
As I continue decluttering and re-organizing, I have to make sure that I do a donation run at least once per month. My goal is to have my home be tidy and that won’t happen if I have boxes and stuff waiting to go to new homes!

Declutter Makeup

This is a project that has been on the running to do list for a very long time now. And, I finally got it done! It took longer than I had hoped but it was definitely worth it. I was able to see everything that I have and really organize the space in a way that works for me on the daily.

 As usual, I’m amazed at how much stuff I can cram into one space. As you can see, this space is also one that lended itself to being a dumping ground.

Sometimes, I would walk in my room and just put receipts and packages on the end of the dresser. Or I would return from vacation and empty the various containers and just leave them there!

In addition to random items just laying on the dresser and just generally being in the way, I also had this tower with lots of unused products-powders, eye shadow palettes, blush palettes, highlighters and just a great many things that I was not using.
So, the first and really only step was to handle each item and either keep it, get rid of it or put it where it really belongs.

I was really surprised at how easy it was to make decisions about items. And I had a ton of makeup organizers that I no longer need to use.

It’s nice to have each of these drawers holding individual products. One has makeup sponges and brushes, one has replacement eyeliners and one has lip items. Now, I don’t have to look through every drawer to see if I need a replacement.

I like having all of my makeup brushes together as well as a container for the brushes and other items that I use on a daily basis. Plus, this tower now houses my foundations, blushes, eyeshadow palettes (that I use) and other items that get regular use.
Needless to say, I am very happy with how this turned out.

Declutter makeup-running to do list-clean

And, I am pleased to report that I’ve managed to maintain this as is including not allowing papers and boxes to accumulate!
Woo Hoo!!! Another item crossed off of my running to do list!

clean makeup brushes (then schedule regularly)
declutter makeup
clean behind the stove
-clean behind the refrigerator
install magnifying mirror in the primary bath
-install new shower head in primary bath
-remove broken shower head in guest bath
-install another shower head in guest bath
-print 2022 Project Life pages
-put 2022 Project Life pages into an album
-print 2023 Project Life pages
-put 2023 Project Life pages into an album
-hem maxi dress
-touch up the paint in the primary bath

That’s where things sit as of today. I’m definitely planning to get most if not all of these items checked off of the RTDL by the end of the year.
How are you big or small goals going? Share in the comments and thanks for reading.

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