April Project Life

I’ve continued to work on my monthly memory keeping project even though I’ve been offline for a few months. Today, we’ll take a look back at April.

April 1-7

monthly memory keeping week 1
monthly memory keeping week 1.2

I’ve talked in the past about why I continue with this monthly memory keeping project. I’ve been doing Project Life in one form or another since 2010. For me, the purpose is to acknowledge and in some small way celebrate the beautifulness of my ordinary life. It’s always fun to look back on photos of special event but it is equally fun to look at photos of regular life as well. Over time, you can see your own patterns as well as what changes and what stays the same.

April 8-14

monthly memory keeping week 2.1
monthly memory keeping week 2.2

There is a lot going on in my life at this time but clearly what is most present is my niece’s birthday! I had so fun making her custom t-shirt and matching birthday card! She turned 2 years old and maybe at some point in the distant future she will see this and know how much she means to me.❤️

April 15-21

monthly memory keeping week 3.1
monthly memory keeping week 3.2

Vacation planning is in full effect but life still goes on. Whether is cleaning, organizing, or making arrangements to get Euros, time marches on.

April 22-28

monthly memory keeping week 4.1
monthly memory keeping week 4.2

I have the pleasure of attending Rhy’s passover dinner in Berkeley this year and so many people told me how much I will love Venice. The dinner is the day before I leave on my trip so I am packed and ready to go. There will be many monthly memories made in the upcoming days.

April 29-30

monthly memory keeping week 5

I’ve made it to the end of the month and I’m in Vienna, Austria! It’s my first time here and I can barely contain my excitement.
Vacations are another good memory keeping event to document because it allows you to re-live the vacation over and over again.

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