September Goals

Well, hello again! I’ve been gone for a bit now. Unplanned but not wasted time. I went on a wonderful vacation (post to come in the near future) and then I just got busy and lazy.
In any event, I am back and ready to share. The last goals post I wrote was in April. I’m not going to try to go back and review each month that I missed, I’m just going to move forward. I will say that while I did not write my goals out formally, I was still working and making progress. I will acknowledge that writing my goals down and sharing them with the internets does help keep them in the forefront of my mind and helps to keep me on task rather than move on to new projects.

We have only 4 (!) months remaining in this year. Even though we are entering a very busy season with holidays approaching, there is still time to get things done. Forward progress is still progress no matter how small!



Home progress

*Donation Run
*Get rid of electronic items
*Finish guest room closet project


creative progress

* Make birthday or event cards for family and friends
*Start holiday card design
*Make at least 6 cards to have on hand for occasions


fitness progress

*Eat lunch out no more than 1 time per week
*Weekly meal prep
*Movement x 4 days for minimum of 10 minutes


financial progress

*Complete monthly budget by 9/2
*Track spending weekly

While I was on my blog break, I did take the time to work on catching up on my budget-adding in all expenses, finding receipts, going through my bank account and credit cards. In what will be a surprise to no one, once I started, it did not take very long, there were patterns that were very easy to see, and I got a lot of really good information about my spending. It wasn’t as scary as I thought but it was eye opening.
Something I learned is that the tool that I am using to do my budget works okay and I’m learning more of what my needs are. I am not the person who can create this type of document so I’ll be spending some time during the remainder of the year looking for something that fits my needs better.

One of the things I am looking for is when I enter a transaction say for groceries, it will populate the groceries category and add itself up. Right now, I have to add the total number manually. Not a big deal but I’d like to automate it as much as possible.

I’m happy to be back on track with goal planning and blog writing. I did miss it while I was off and am hoping that I can keep myself on track. I still haven’t mastered writing weeks ahead but I’m working on it!!

Any tips to share? Share in the comments!

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