We are completely in the home stretch for 2023 goals. Last month, I reviewed my annual goals list and decided which I would focus on for the remainder of 2023. I can’t believe it’s already November with one month to go. I’m not feeling confident about that annual list but I’ll do my best.
Let’s see how we did with October 2023 goals.
Primary closet clean out-30 minutes per week: COMPLETED. I actually spent some time in this area and got this process started. An update is coming this week so that you can see where I am with this task.
Decide on my holiday card design-COMPLETED. I actually have decided on the design, bought some of the supplies I need and plan to start the making process soon.
20 minutes of movement daily (on the days that I am in town). For October, this amounted to 25 days. I managed to get in 20 days of movement which I consider a HUGE accomplishment. I was not getting any movement in most days and I knew that I had to work on my mindset. I figured that 20 minutes was a doable goal most days and that I could break it up into 2-10 minute sessions if I needed to. The five days that I missed were due to me either being exhausted or having work get in the way. Either way, planning for some movement daily is better than not getting any movement in at all.
Mask x 8-I did 6 masks this month. My skin is looking pretty good.
Complete my federal and state taxes before the due date. COMPLETED I am pleased to say that I did get my taxes done on time and I’m glad that I did. In my state, we were given another one month extension but I’m pleased to say that I don’t need it. In 2024, I am going to work very hard to have my taxes done before April!
The goals are few this month. We are firmly in the holiday season and I am not going to drive myself crazy with projects and organizing and other things. I do think it’s important though to keep working that “project/organizing” muscle so I have a few things that I want to keep working on.
I’m really happy with the results of my movement goal because I feel my mindset shifting. Instead of telling myself all sorts of reasons not to work out, I’m starting to tell myself, “it’s only 20 minutes”! It is progress which I will continue to build on.
-Continue cleaning out my primary closet (trying to get away from using the term “master”closet) I’d like to finish by the end of the month but that’s not a hard goal.
-Start making my holiday cards-goal is to have them in the mail by December 11th
-Daily Movement x 18 days for a minimum of 20 minutes-I will be away for several days this month so I’m trying to be reasonable while still challenging myself and continuing to strengthen this mindset.
-Mask x 8. Like exfoliating regularly, I’m working to make doing facial masks more of a regular part of my skin care. I’m getting there but I still need to work to make it more of a habit.
-Spend 4 hours this month on financial tasks. This can be 4 hours at one time; 30 minutes here or there or whatever combination works. The goal is to just get busy doing some financial tasks.
I have a few “maybe” projects that I might work on if I can. I’m not adding these to the schedule; just if it works out and I feel so inspired then I’ll do them.
-Call someone regarding doing my ceiling drywall
-Do a Goodwill run (I will definitely do this at least once before the end of the year)
-Start the laundry room makeover-my machines are scheduled to be delivered and installed on November 14. I will be terribly busy between then and the end of the month but we’ll see.
If you have projects or plans going on, I wish you the best! Don’t be too hard on yourself and make time to enjoy your family and friends. Thanks for reading.