Books-Reading and Listening

Evvie Drake Starts Over

Book Evvie Drake

This book has been on my “want to read” list for a while now. The truth is I got very interested in reading it after a friend told me that our favorite narrator, Julia Whelan, reads it! At this point, I have listened to many books narrated by Julia Whelan and have liked all of them. This book is no different. It likely falls into the “chick-lit” category but what I’m learning is that this evolution of “chick-lit” is very different than it used to be. It is not as formulaic as in the past and the female characters are not waiting for men or love to make their lives worth living. Also, this new vein of “chick-lit” often deals with difficult issues and isn’t as light and airy as before. I like that because it makes these type of books easy to read and listen to but not feel like a waste. The books are well written, interesting and have some emotional investment.
(4 stars)

The Measure

the measure book

This is the type of book that makes you think and definitely gives you a lot to talk about. The basic premise is that one day everyone over the age of 21 receives a box with a string in it. The length of the string signifies the length of your life! There are lots of questions that come up but one of the main ones is whether or not you’d want to know. There are many other issues that arise as well and the solutions are not easy. A really great and thoughtful read.
(4.5 stars)

Killers of a Certain Age

killers book

This book is fun! As I’ve mentioned in the past, I love stories about older people. I especially love stories about older folks with full lives and relationships. This book has all of that. Click on the link to read the description but I will tell you that this group of women are the epitome of
bad ass!!! One of the points that is carried through the book is that once women in particular reach a certain age, they become invisible in our youth obsessed society. These women though deftly demonstrate that doing so is at your own risk!
(4.5 stars)

The Good Girl

good girl book

This book is by the author of Local Woman Missing which I read last month. Often, when I read a book by a new author and love it, I want to read another. This is another good psychological thriller where nothing goes as it is supposed to and nothing is as it appears.
(4 stars)


maame book

This is currently a very popular book that has very long wait times on the library apps and I see why. This is a coming of age/trying to find oneself novel. It’s filled with real life situations that are funny, sad and maddening. There are also very interesting cultural aspects that make this a really good read.
(3.5 stars)

Reading Journey-Goal=70
January-5 (65) February-5 (60) March (5)-55
I have to find some time in read 6-7 books for a few months. My current reading pace is doable but I need to stretch to meet my goal of reading 70 books this year.
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