Dining Room Refresh & Future Plans

Dining Room

This title is a bit misleading for sure.  While I do want to refresh the dining room this year, it’s not on my radar yet! My one immediate goal was to get stuff out of the dining room that does not belong.  One reason was because I was planning to host an Oscars Party and needed the space for food and drinks! The other reason was that I simply tired of looking at all of the junk on my table and realized that many of the items needed a place to go or to be donated. It was crowded and cluttered and did not meet the goal of how I want my home to look.

As in many homes, certain areas become dumping grounds and my home is no different.  When I didn’t have a spot for something or if I was clearing out another area, I would put it on the dining room table. I don’t generally eat at the table so that was never an issue.  However, I do want to start having people over more and I’ll need the table cleaned off to do that.

dining room donations

Additionally, when I was accumulating items to bring for donations, I would put them in the dining room.  This is an okay plan but it needs a due date! But really, to help me remember to bring things for donation, I will start putting them in the hallway near the door so that I can see them.

My goal now is to keep the table cleaned off and available for dinner parties and game nights! I felt quite accomplished when I finally got the table cleared off and the chairs in place.

For now I have this runner on my table to remind me to keep it cleaned off and ready for guests. I realize that it’s a bit plain and the runner needs a steam but the visual of the runner reminds me that this is not a storage table!
I do plan to add a bit more table decor in the future.

I like something simple like this. It’s non specific to the season but also not too stuffy!

Later this year I plan to declutter the china cabinet and do a furniture re-organization. I’m not sure what that looks like yet but it’s currently in the project planning brain. 
For now, I’ll just enjoy that the table is cleaned off and has a cute new runner!

Any thoughts on this update or my future plans? Share in the comments!

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