Monthly Goals-March 2023

Welcome to month 3 of 2023! We are cruising along through winter and hopefully getting to spring very soon! Before we move ahead, let’s review and evaluate February goals, habits and intentions.


Figure out what to do with the CD’s in my dining room-I did ask my friends for some suggestions. I still haven’t decided what to do but I’m working on it.
Get quotes for doing the kitchen ceiling drywall-NOPE. I am nervous to find out how much it will cost!! I have to remind myself that in getting quotes, I’m not committing to getting it done I’m simply gathering information.
Clean out the garage storage cabinet-NOPE I realized that I am not doing this one right now because it’s just too cold. I’m going to move this goal to a warmer time of the year.

Make 2 birthday cards-DONE
Continue with Project Life-DONE

Exercise 8 days-I completed 3 days
Steps-5,500 for 20 days-I completed 16 days
Reduce bought food (fast food) consumption to lunch only-COMPLETED
Monitor blood sugar tracking-7 days, 30 days, 90 days-Goal-110-125 I have been doing a good job of taking my blood sugars twice per day. And I am working with my medical team to make some changes based on my specific needs and challenges. 7 day average=185 with 62% in range, 30 day average=189 with 47% in range and 90 day average=195 with 40% in range. What I’m seeing so far, is that I am doing better recently than I have in the past. This is a slow moving process-a marathon vs a sprint. Even though, getting my numbers in range more often than not is important, any change in the right direction counts and is meaningful to my health.

Continue with daily journaling-COMPLETED
Special and/or body care x4 days per month-COMPLETED 6 sessions

Complete February budget-COMPLETED
No Spend one day per week-COMPLETED



*Start to de-clutter the guest room closet (this does not have to be completed in the month as it is a pretty big project)
*De-clutter jewelry
*Ask for recommendations on Next Door for dry wall work


*Create cards for the various events happening this month


*Exercise 8 times this month
*5,500 steps x 20 days
*Continue blood sugar tracking


*Facial steam 4 times
*Mask 4 times
The goal is to do each of these tasks at least one time each week


*Complete March budget
*Reconcile February budget by March 13-typically I would do this closer to the beginning of the month but I was out of town.
*Document spending weekly-I’m trying to get into the habit of not doing this all at one time.

There you have it. We are starting the 3rd month of the year and we’re chugging along. Some things are improving (blood sugar tracking/budgeting) while others are works in progress (exercise/steps).
I, of course, am hoping that as we move along into the year we see improvement in all areas. I’m definitely living the pregress not perfection motto.

How are your goals coming? Have you seen any areas that are working well or not? Share in the comments!

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