I’ve recently completed some craft projects and an organization project that I want to share with you today.
I made some acrylic ornaments of my baby niece for Christmas which I forgot to take photos of. My sisters’ best friend asked me to make some for her as well. She is very close to the baby and spends lots of time with her.
Additionally, I made a card for a friends birthday and a cake topper which was used as a sign into a bouquet.
And finally, I managed to organize one of the under the sink cabinets in my master bathroom. I still have another one to go but I’m very happy with how this first one turned out.
These are two sided acrylic ornaments.

My friend celebrated her 60th birthday and I made her birthday card along with this custom cake topper. One night after talking with another friend about plans, I got a wild hair and just needed to make something birthday related. I usually make cards for friends’ birthdays but I wanted to make something different, too.

The bathroom sink is generally an easy space to get disorganized. I had organized the space a few years back and it was okay for awhile. However, as time goes on, it’s easy to just start putting one thing on top of another. In this cabinet, I have cleaning supplies, travel supplies, and some medical stuff. I found over time though that I had trouble finding things I needed and some items were hard to get to.

As you can see, items are mostly contained in baskets but were strewn all over the place and stuff was placed on top of other things. It’s pretty clear to see that some of the containers were not the right ones and many of them were too small (and I had too much stuff)!! The good news is that the cabinet was not jam packed with a ton of stuff! In spite of that, this transformation still took me about 3 hours from start to finish! I started with the removal of all items and then getting rid of things that were no longer of use.


These clear containers have made a real difference! I am not of the mind that organizing containers need to match but I will say that these clear bins from the Home Edit collection really do their job well. Not only do they stack but medium containers fit into larger containers and the smaller containers fit into the medium ones. This means that you can configure your space as it works for you.

You can see that I kept the cleaning supplies in it’s original container (purple tub). It has been doing its job well so I saw no reason to change it. Plus, it’s a good reminder that it contains something “different.”
On the far left are 2 drawer containers holding my medication, medical supplies and first aid items. If I want to see how much pain reliever I have or find a band-aid, then this is where I’ll go.
The other containers have items that I use when traveling. Travel sized skin care, body care, hair stuff, etc….When I get packed for a trip, this is the container I’ll go to. It’s hard to see but behind that container is another container housing bags and pouches that I use for trips.
And finally, all the way on the right is my cleaning container.
These containers are available in several different types of configurations and bundles. The quality is top notch and there is nothing over $24.98. The Container Store also sells the Home Edit lines but it is much more pricey. I bought 2 of the eight bundles and had 2 medium and one small container left over. I’m sure I’ll find a use for these either when I do the other cabinet or another space.

I could not be happier with the transformation of this cabinet or with my creative projects.
It’s doing things like this that make life sweet and fun!! Creating things for others to love and for myself as well. It’s the best!!
Tell me, what is your organization style? Do you like things to match? How often do you re-organize? Share in the comments and thanks for reading.