Monthly Memory Keeping-January 2023

I have been doing this annual project since 2010. I have annual binders that hold the memories of my life for each year. I love going back and looking at them sometimes. When I sometimes consider whether or not I want to continue with the project, having the memory binders in my hand always help me decide to keep going. I have no idea what will come of these binders when I’m gone but I hope that who ever comes across them appreciates what they meant for my life but also gives them a glimpse of what it was like to be me!
I haven’t given you the details in a while so here it is. I participate in Project Life by Becky Higgins. It used to be called Project 365 back in the day. The idea is that you take a photo a day that represents you, your life, a moment in time, really anything. You certainly don’t have to do it as intended and I know that some people don’t take a photo a day. Some look at all of the photos they took in a week or a month and create a layout based on that.
There is a physical product which makes it more like scrapbooking and a digital product which is what I do. At the beginning, I did the physical version but I would sometimes get so behind that it would totally stress me out. Since doing this project digitally, I am much more on top of recording and saving my memories.






The first month of 2023 is in the books. The month started for me with lots of celebrations. After about half way through the month, it started to slow down and feel like a new beginning. I didn’t feel like I hit my stride until the end of the month. Not sure what that means but it’s something that I noticed.
See you in February!

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