2023 Goals and Intentions and Habits

Goals and Intentions

I don’t know about you but I consider this a really exciting time of year. I love new beginnings (even though any time can be a new start) and January is a built in new beginning. 

My overall goals this year are to continue to create a home that I am happy with and proud of and to work on myself so that I am living and being authentically me. 

In the process of reviewing 2022, I realized that it would work better for me to differentiate between goals, projects and habits. Especially with the habits, I want to focus on making small changes to achieve a larger result.

So, without further ado here is first my goal/project list. Later I’ll introduce my habit list. 



-repair ceiling
-paint cabinets
-declutter cabinets

-clean out hutch (declutter)
-remove boxes
-touch up paint-wall and ceiling
-re-arrange furniture?

-clean out storage cabinet

-clean and organize 
-add storage 

-clean out space

-clean out closet-decor and supplies
-organize storage dresser
-get rid of filing cabinet
-re-arrange furniture

All of these projects can be broken down into much smaller steps including decluttering first.  This is what I need to remember when I start working on a project. I also need to make sure that I give myself credit for some smaller or unplanned projects I do. These include decluttering dressers, my jewelry and the bathroom sinks. Sometimes I just get a hankering to do a project that is not on my list!


habits checklist

This is a new addition to my annual goals list. I am attempting to find a new way to meet some goals that are well being, health related or just general life improvement. The idea is to work on a couple of areas each month and add in a new goal every month or two.

One habit I developed years ago was making my bed every morning.  One way I worked to accomplish this was to see how much time it took.  Once I saw that it takes less than 2 minutes, it became easier to accomplish this task each day.  Once I had made by bed, 60 days in a row, it was a habit.  And, I have maintained this habit for years.  And I know that it’s a habit because I don’t even think about doing it or not doing it.  I just do it!

What I want to work on:
-no alarm snoozing
-7 to 9 hours of sleep per night
-develop a morning routine
-develop an evening routine
-go to the gym once per week for a water work out or group class
-develop a consistent strength training routine
-use available resources to learn and grow professionally (Skillshare)
-continue to learn and grow personally (books-Skillshare)

These are things that I believe will improve my well being in general.

These are the larger goals that these habits address:
-Maintain good blood glucose control
-Grow blog readership/learn about good SEO practices
-Self growth and development

Maintain Blood Glucose Control
-7 to 9 hours of sleep
-Gym time
-Stop alarm snoozing
-Develop strength training routine
-Develop AM & PM routines

Increase Blog Readership/Self Growth & Development
-use Skillshare and YouTube to learn
-Self Growth/Development
-Develop AM/PM routine
-Use Skillshare videos 
-Use other resources

This is a work in progress and will likely require adjusting as time goes on. This is the first time I’m doing this so I have to give it some time to gel.  I’m also not trying to do everything at one time.  For example, I’m not starting the once per week at the gym in January!  Everyone will be there so I’ll wait until at least February.  

I also see the developing of morning and evening routines as a work in progress.  I’ll likely start with getting up and going to bed at the same time daily. This alone would be a huge change for me. 

I’ll likely add and refine vs taking away items.  Being able to adjust goals and habits is a normal part of a process.  You don’t have to completely give up just because something isn’t working. 

If you have any ideas, suggestions or methods for how I can be successful, I’d appreciate hearing them. Share in the comments!

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