January 2023 Monthly Projects and Habits

While you haven’t had a chance yet to read my overall goals for 2023, I wanted to let you in on my current month goals. Many people, including me, have the motivation and drive to get a lot done at the beginning of a new year. Unfortunately, that usually leads to a let down in February.  In an effort to circumvent that, I’m going to harness my energy but also limit what I have planned. I want to leave room for socializing, resting and just living life. 

As you know, I didn’t really set any goals for December other than to enjoy time with family and friends.  I am happy to report that I met that goal through and through!! Other than that, there is no December review!

January Goals and Habits

Home (Goal)

*Get quote for kitchen ceiling drywall. I don’t know if I said before that I had intended to do the drywall myself but the more I thought about it the more I realized that I didn’t WANT to do it. So, in preparation for getting the ceiling drywalled, I will get some quotes.

*Clean out garage storage-my intention is to spend at least one hour per week working on this area.  If I want to give more time, then I will.  Based on what I think I have in here, 4 total hours should be more than enough time to get it done. 


*Continue with Project Life for 2023.  I love doing this project and see no reason to stop or adjust. (Habit/Goal)

*Make cards for 3 birthdays this month.  I will say that every year, I tend to meet this goal in January! It’s the other months of the year that I fall off!! (Goal)


*Exercise x 8

*Steps-5,500 X 12

I will go into more detail in my 2023 goals and habit list but the idea here is that I am working on these two areas so that I can meet a larger goal at the end of this year. 


*Daily Journaling-Journaling has been shown to have a very positive impact on one’s mental health and I have found this to be the case. I tend to enjoy journaling at the end of the night before bed but I may try some morning journaling as well. 

*Weekly skin/body care-this would be a more intensive regime than my regular routine including masks, exfoliating, steaming, body scrubs, foot scrubs, etc….

FINANCIAL (Goal/Habit)

*No spend x 15 days (goal)

*Complete January Budget (goal/habit)

January is here and I’m ready for it!  This list looks challenging enough but also manageable.  It will be up to me to manage and schedule my time appropriately so that I can meet these goals and work on developing some new habits. 

FYI-this is how I plan on tracking my goals and habits.  This is part of my digital planner which is available on my iPhone and iPad so that I can fill it in at any time. 

What do you think? Have I given myself enough grace, enough challenge, enough time?  Share in the comments. 

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