Dresser Project-Storage Awaits

Painting Project

Just a quick update on the dresser project. I have been procrastinating for a few months and decided to hunker down and just do it. I am pleased to report that while I’m not done, I have made some good progress!!

Here’s where we started:

And here’s where we are:

Just to refresh your memory, I’m using Beyond Paint in Navy. It supposedly requires no sanding or priming. And, the paint is the consistency of pudding! I did sand because I whole heartedly believe in sanding. If you don’t sand and you go ahead and paint, you will find out pretty quickly whether you should have sanded or not! This dresser was a “found” piece and while it wasn’t in terr ible condition it had been outside for a few days and had some peeling paint especially in the corners.
I did not need to do a heavy sanding just some smoothing out. I did clean the piece again with an industrial cleaner as well. This was actually my first step and it’s to clean the piece but also to take out any gloss from protecting products or cleaning products like furniture polish.

The painting process was fairly simple. I did 2 coats except on the top where I did 3. You allow 2-4 hours in between coats. I did the first two coats on the same day and then the 3rd coat the following day.
I absolutely love the result. This is the color I hoped it would be!!
It takes about 30 days for paint to fully cure so my plan is to leave the frame alone, paint the drawers and then allow everything to set and cure. During this process, I’ll line the drawers. My plan then is to put the dresser back in its place sometime before Thanksgiving. I figure that since I have the luxury of allowing the paint to cure there’s no reason to rush. I still plan to get all of the painting done by the end of the month.

Wish me luck!!

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