Project Life-September Memories

september project life

Documenting the memories of my life is one of my most favorite activities. I have done project life every year since 2010. I really enjoy documenting the memories of my daily life in pictures whether it’s exciting and special or mundane. When I go back and look at older years, it’s fun to see what has changed and what hasn’t. Even if you don’t do something like project life, I encourage you to make a yearly picture book of your life. Not only will you appreciate it but your descendants will as well!

WEEK ONE 09-01-07

memories week 1

WEEK TWO 09-08-14

memories week 2

WEEK THREE 09-15-21

memories week 3

WEEK FOUR 09-22-28

memories week 4


end of the month  memories

Project life can be done digitally as I do it or in physical form. For many years, I did the physical form but found it hard to keep up with on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. I did enjoy it though because it’s a lot like scrapbooking. There is even an app where you can make pages in the app and then have them printed out.

It’s not necessary to take a daily picture. Some people do weekly or even monthly memory keeping. What is important is that you document your life in all its glory and ordinary-ness.

In any event, documenting your life and your memories is important. These memories will outlive all of us but will add to the lives of those here to enjoy them. This sounds so morbid but my point is don’t wait-just start! Your family will appreciate it.
Happy Memory Keeping!!

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