Upcoming Project-Procrastinate No More

Paint roller
dresser to be painted
The project in question!

I have been putting off this project for a good while now for no particularly good reason. Just to recap, I had been on and off searching for a dresser to use for storage in my guest room/office for some time. My friend, Michyle, found this dresser in her neighborhood during one of her daily walks. She measured it for me, the dimensions fit and we picked it up and brought it home. Later, I chose the paint color and knobs and here she sits……..waiting to be updated. FYI-I did thoroughly clean it as soon as I brought it home!
Sometimes, when preparing for a project, it’s easy to get stuck in the ”prepping and planning” phase and never really move to the “just do it” phase. That is what has happened with this dresser project. The paint and the new knobs are sitting in the drawers!

I have had the paint and knobs to complete this project now for a few months. I just haven’t been in the mood to actually get down to work and now I’d really like to get this done by the end of 2022. With the holidays approaching it will get more difficult to finish medium to larger projects.
Doing this project is not just as easy as changing the knobs and painting. I will need to clean everything again, remove the drawers, sand them and then paint them. The paint I bought is supposed to be a one coat miracle but we’ll see. I also plan to line the drawers which is another task that needs time to get done. And of course, I haven’t yet chosen the paper that I want to line the drawers with! As with most larger tasks, I will need to break this one down into much smaller pieces in order to not get overwhelmed and to actually get it done. Cleaning won’t take long but I don’t think that I’ll be able to paint all the drawers in one sitting. Painting the box of the dresser is probably the easiest and is likely what I’ll do first.

These are the knobs I ordered:

knobs for dresser

Additionally, it’s looking like October will be a very busy social month for me which will also make completing this project more difficult. I will definitely need to schedule some week nights vs weekends to get this done. The first weekend in October, I’ll be in New York. The 2nd weekend, I have a friends play opening that Friday night but I will likely have some time on the weekend. The following weekend, a friend will be in town and we will be playing tourists and the weekend after that I’m driving down to Southern California to celebrate my Mom’s 87th birthday!! At this point, I think I’ll have time during the last weekend of the month but I’d like to be done by then!!
Needless to say, spending time with family and friends definitely takes precedence over any project and I’m happy to spend my time with them.

This is the paint color I chose:

paint color
Beyond Paint in Navy

I’m actually very excited about this combination of the gold and the navy. I’m a little disturbed at how easily I’ve gotten used to having this dresser that appears to have been used in a child’s room remain unfinished!

Wish me well! If all goes as planned and scheduled and I get this done in October, this will likely be the final larger sized project that I do in 2022. I’m not going to fool myself that I’ll have tons of time in November and December to get stuff done. Actually in those months in addition to enjoying the holiday season, I plan to work on continuing to get rid of stuff and return my home to a state where I can comfortably and confidentially have people over!

Any advice or suggestions? Share in the comments.

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