Favorite Things-Part 2

Here is part 2 of my favorite things. I covered the first 5 here in part 1.

“Charge” Card

travel charge card charger

I carry this card in my wallet as it’s intended. It is very thin and takes up very little room in my wallet. I know that many of us carry around some kind of charger for our phones but I really dislike the weight and size of the bulkier ones. This one has a cord for my iPhone and my iPad!

Smart Bulbs

smart led lights

I wrote about my smart home recently and I continue to be very pleased with my smart lighting. My advice is to name your different bulbs and rooms in a logical way but also in a way that you will remember. Sometimes, I forget either which room I’m in or what I’ve named a light. I’ve realized my lights are not very creatively named. I’ll need to work on that.

Craft Vacuum

craft vacuum

I will be completely honest and say that this item is very specific and likely not for most people. I use it in my craft area specifically to pick up tiny pieces of paper or glitter. It does a nice job and helps to clean up items that can sometimes be very annoying (glitter). It is one of those items that you can definitely live without but once you have it you can’t imagine not having it!

Travel Mirror

travel mirror

While this item is called a travel mirror, you don’t have to use it only for travel. I did however, purchase this to bring with me on trips. I have noticed on my recent trips that often hotel rooms don’t have mirrors outside of the bathroom. Additionally, the lighting in hotel bathrooms usually leave a little something to be desired. I like doing my make up in more natural lighting and this mirror fits the bill. It charges by USB and has several light settings. I’ll be taking it on an upcoming trip so I’ll let you know how it does!

Tech Bag

tech bag

We all have so many cords, chargers, headphones, etc…that we cart around with us for all of our various devices. I find it useful to keep everything in one place and organized to make things easy to find. Technology can often make our lives easier but not necessarily lighter!

That’s it for my list of the most recent favorite things. As I said before, I’m going to try and do this quarterly.
Any surprises or questions? Please leave in the comments.

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