Mid-Year(ish) Goal Check In

I promised myself last year that I would not wait until the end of the year to review my goals and then be surprised by what I forgot I said I wanted to do. Now, I am a bit late on doing this review but at least it’s the end of the year!!!
As I reviewed this list, it became clear to me that I will not meet everything on this list. But that’s okay because the list is intended to be grandiose.
As I mentioned in my 2022 Want to Do blog post, I fully expected that I would work on smaller projects not on this list. I’ll review those at the end.


I actually did do a first quarter review which you can read here.
I did not do quarter 2 which covers April through June. This review will cover quarter 2. The quarter 3 review is for July through September and will be posted in October.



-paint cabinets-not yet
-replace light switch in order to dim the lights-not yet
-repair the ceiling-not yet. I have decided that I will request bids to see how much it will cost to have it done professionally.

-clean out the hutch-not yet
-get rid of the armoire-DONE
-remove boxes and other stuff that doesn’t belong-in progress My dining room table is a catch all place when I work on other projects. I have removed many items but some remain. I have some boxes from my 3rd floor storage waiting to be gone through.
-re-arrange furniture-undecided

-clean out 3rd floor storage-in progress. I have some boxes that I’ve taken out and need to go through them.
-clean out garage storage-not yet

-monthly workout goal-yes
-monthly nutrition goal-yes
-monthly step goal-yes
While I don’t meet the goals each month, I am setting them and striving to meet my health and fitness goals.

-continue with project life monthly-yes
-make a digital or traditional page each month-NO I’m actually glad that I reviewed this because I’d been focused on making only a traditional page and forgot that I gave myself permission to make digital scrapbook pages as well.
-make and send cards to family and friends each month-kind of. I have made some special cards (like a graduation cards) but I haven’t been sending out cards each month as I intended.

-continue gratitude journaling-yes
-read one personal development book each quarter-NO
-engage in some form of self care weekly-yes. I use the term self care very widely. Everything from the typical masks, baths, massages, movies to spending the day doing nothing and not feeling guilty.

-weekly budget review-not consistently
-monthly budget review-not consistently
-participate in a weekly savings challenge-yes


These are the small to medium sized projects that I’ve completed since the start of the year.

  • Removed the broken mirror
  • Removed the tv stand
  • Removed the bookshelf
  • Finished the living room refresh
  • Cleaned out the coats closet

As we move into the fall season and toward the end of the 3rd quarter, I am feeling the push to “get going.” I have a few smaller projects that I want to work on along with a couple of bigger projects. Prioritizing will become quite important as we head into the holiday season as it is normal for projects and to-do’s to fall off or shift into new directions.
I’m very happy with where things are right now and look forward to getting some new things done as well.

Any thoughts, suggestions? Share in the comments.

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