What I Read Recently-my reading journey

Here is the monthly update on books that I’ve read or listened to lately. A couple were read for my book clubs but the others are just for pleasure. Hope you find something you might enjoy!

The Other Einstein-Marie Benedict

This is the story of Albert Einstein’s first wife, Mitza Maric who was also a brilliant physicist. They met at university and worked together on various projects. The rumor is that she was actually the one who made the discoveries that Albert became famous for including the theory of relativity.  But of course, as a woman, she was not allowed to receive the praise or Nobel. The book is also about the relationship between the two and how it changes over the years. The book was quite fascinating and it made me want to learn more about the first Mrs. Einstein. 

A Flicker in the Dark-Stacy Willingham

This book falls into the thriller/suspense category and it did not disappoint. The main character is the daughter of a confessed serial killer.  The killings happened when she was young and her father has been in prison for these crimes 20 years. The 20 year anniversary of the killings in coming up and so there is renewed interest in the cases.  Additionally, more girls come up missing or dead now. Everyone is wondering who the copycat is and why this is happening now. This is the debut book by this author and I look forward to reading more by her.

The Girls in the Stilt House-Kelly Mustain

I read this book as part of Amazon Prime reading. It’s a book that’s free to you if you have an Amazon account.  Often, they list books that are the first of a series so that you’ll be invested and then want to pay to read the others.  As far as I can tell, this book is a stand alone.   It was the story of 2 families, one black, one white both of whom are dirt poor. I don’t want to give too much away but I will say that the lives of the two teenage girls collide and they have to learn to rely on one another to survive. There are many secrets and tragedies to handle which they do the best they can.  It was a quick and interesting read. 

Black Cake-Charmaine Wilkerson

What a fantastic book this is! I haven’t read anything like it. This is the story of a loving family that is hiding so many secrets. The story is told through the letters and video of the mother who recently died. She wants her children to know who she really is and what that mean to their lives. Black cake is a dessert from the Caribbean Islands and it has significance in this book and the lives of the characters.

The Henna Artist-Alka Joshi

This is an older book but it is oh so good.  I couldn’t put it down.  This is the story of a woman who fled a life of poverty and lack of autonomy to find something for herself.  She does this and then her old life catches up with her.  There are so many moral and ethical dilemmas in this book. I don’t want to give too much away but I will say that the book twists and turns in ways that I did not expect. I also recently learned that this is the first book of a trilogy. Book 2 is The Secret Keeper of Jaipur and Book 3 is The Perfumist of Paris. I am a big fan of books that are trilogies and since I absolutely loved The Henna Artist I will definitely be reading these two.

Lessons in Chemistry-Bonnie Garmus

This book is happy, sad, delightful, maddening and tragic.  But again, it is really good.  This was another book that I devoured quickly.

The main character is a scientist in the 1950’s and because she’s a woman she can’t any respect. Her life changes tragically and sadly and she has to figure how to make the best of it with little to no support. The main character may be on the spectrum.  It’s hard to tell if that’s the case or if she’s protecting her space.  In any event, everyone in the book has lessons to learn including the main character. 

This was a really good reading month for me. I enjoyed all of these books even though they were different from one another. If you have any book recommendations to share, please post in the comments.

Reading Journey: 2022 Goal=75
Jan: 8 Feb: 4 Mar: 6 Apr: 6 May: 6 Jun: 6=36

I’ll need to have a few months where I read more than 6 books to make my goal. Right now, I’m feeling pretty confident that I’ll make it!

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