August Monthly Goals

Welcome to August! It’s the final month of summer though school starts for some very soon. We are over half way through 2022 and before you know it the holidays will be upon us.
Today, I’ll review my July goals and then share my goals for August. Later this month, I’m going to do a mid-year check in to see where things stand in terms of my annual goals. I’m a bit behind on this but that’s how things go sometimes.


Clean out 2 dresser drawers-NOPE. I will likely do this at some point in August. Since cleaning out my master closet, I’m feeling the need to clear out other clothing items so I only have what I want to wear.
Start dresser project-DONE. I have chosen and bought the paint and I also chose and bought the handles.

Organize the scrap cart-NOPE. However, I did clean off my entire craft area which tends to help me get some creative mojo.


Movement x15 days-I completed 6 days.
Drink 64 ounces of water x 20 days. I completed 15 days and then stopped tracking. It seems that I am getting enough hydration during the day so I won’t track this anymore. I started again because it seemed that I wasn’t getting in enough but I am.
Fast food no more than 4 times per month-1 time per week-I was successful with this. I need to get out of the habit of grabbing food (especially for dinner) when I have plenty of food at home. This tends to happen when I haven’t prepped anything or my food choices are not interesting to me. In my meal prepping, it’s important for me to have choices as I don’t like eating the same things over and over.

Read 5 pages per day of my personal development book-NOPE. I’m not going to make any excuses; I just didn’t do it.

Contribute to weekly savings challenge-DONE.
Organize Receipts-DONE. Yay!!! I finally completed a financial task that I’ve been avoiding and procrastinating on for a long time. I’m still seeking a good collection and storage system but I did separate the receipts by month so if I should find one that hasn’t been accounted for it has a spot to land!



*EMPTY OUT AT LEAST ONE BOX IN DINING ROOM. I’m working hard on getting my home back to a place where I can have people over and that means that I have to stop using my dining room as a “holding spot”. Recently, I’ve done well in getting a lot of extra items out but I need to keep the momentum going.


* Organize Scrap cart. I’m going to try this again. I’m itching to make some scrapbook pages but I look at the cart and the desire leaves.


*6,000 steps x 20 days
*Movement x 10 days


*Practice meditation at least 3 times per week


*Continue with savings challenge
*Do August budget and continue collecting and cataloging receipts weekly

Do you have any goals that you’re working on right now? I know some people take the summer off. I find that it’s important for me to continue every month if only to hold myself accountable.
If you do have any current goals, share them in the comments.

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