Monthly Goals-July 2022

Time to review the monthly goals. We are firmly into summer now and it feels like it gets a little harder to make and meet goals. I try to stay consistent with making goals but meeting them is not always easy!
Here is my review of my June goals:

Clean out 2 dresser drawers-NOPE
Clean out pantry-DONE-post to come

Make a traditional scrapbook page-NOPE
Choose photos to complete the scrapbook frame-NOPE

Daily Movement for at least 15 minutes per day for 30 days-Completed 15 days
64 ounces of water for 20 days-I documented 7 days of completion though I did complete more.

Complete my personal development book-NOPE

Continue with weekly savings challenge-DONE
Do June budget-NOPE

There are a few areas where I did well and others that did not go as planned. Working on my budget and reading a personal development are two areas where I am and have been struggling.
The movement goal went okay though I got tripped up when I went away for the weekend. I found it really hard to get back into my rhythm once I returned. I’ll continue to work on it though. I started the month with a 7 day walk challenge which I completed successfully. I noticed that I started to struggle on days 5, 6, and 7 but I persevered and got it done. I know that a 30 day movement challenge was reaching but it did get me to move more than I have in months previous.


July is generally a busy month and it’s also my birthday month! I’m trying to keep my list reasonable but intentional. I will continue to challenge myself to read a personal development book as well as get my budget and finances in order.


*Clean out 2 dresser drawers
*Start storage dresser painting project-choose paint color and buy new hardware


*Reorganize my scrapbook cart
*Choose some elements for my traditional scrapbook page


*Movement-15 days
*Water-64 ounces, 20 days
*Fast food no more than 1 day per week. I have gotten into the habit of buying food when I don’t feel like cooking and it happened way too much in June. I need to re-set the balance of my eating behavior.


*Read 5 pages per day of my personal development book. I’m going to need to set an alarm for this one!


*Continue with my weekly savings challenge
*Organize all receipts by month

I have to keep reminding myself that these goals are not just to get things done but also to create (or break) habits. I also may have to try different ways to do this and that’s okay. It’s also okay if it takes longer than anticipated. I’m learning that being flexible is important whether things are working or not. Sometimes things work and then stop. Rather than beat your head against the wall, you might have to adjust.
Thanks for reading!

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