Reading Books

Time to share with you all what I’ve read recently.  I continue on with my plan to read at least 75 books this year. I know that there will be times when I read a lot and other times when I only read minimally but I want reading to be a part of my life forever. 



The Viscount Who Loved Me-This is the 2nd book (of 8)in the Bridgerton series on Netflix.  Season 2 premiered in late March and I wanted to read the book before watching the show (which I have not done yet).  I already knew that the tv show was different from the book as well as being different from the first season.  I really liked the first book and the series and I really wanted to like this book as well. And, I did.  The story is completely different even though many of the characters are the same.  I feared that this book would simply be another coming of age, woman finding her sexuality, etc….However, the author has given these characters their own personalities and stories.  Book 1 focused on Daphne, the eldest Bridgerton daughter while Book 2 is about Anthony the eldest Bridgerton and eldest son. The story is not like The Duke and I at all which is great. 



Arsenic and Adobo-This book came as a recommendation from a friend who participates in a book of the month club.  This is what is generally defined as a “cozy” mystery meaning that is not graphically violent though there is always at least one murder if not more! This is a more contemporary version where all of the characters are flawed including the hero/heroine of the story.  This story surrounds a murder that takes place in a family restaurant.  Because of the murder, the restaurant has to stay closed and the family is at risk of losing it.  Also, the restaurant is being run by a young woman who really wants to run another type of restaurant with a more up to date menu. As you may be able to tell from the book title, the characters are mainly from a Filipino family. A fun read and a may dive into the her next book which is #2 of 3 in the series.



The Night She Disappeared-This is one of the light mystery/thriller books that I like to read when I’ve been devouring a lot of heavy stuff. I’ve read many books by this author and I am familiar with her style. In this story, a writer moves into a cottage next to some woods. One day she sees a sign telling her to “dig here” and she does.  From there the mystery grows and deepens until it is solved. 



If She Only Knew-I was on a light reading kick and read 3 mysteries back to back.  These next two are #1 and #2 of 3 in a series about the Cahills, a San Francisco family.  I had read this book a long time ago but didn’t recall enough details to go straight to book 2.  I enjoyed the book again was glad that I opted to re-read it.



Almost Dead-This is #2 in the Cahill series and it did not disappoint.  The premise is that members of the Cahill family or related to the family are dying and the main character needs to figure out why before it’s her turn. The book definitely keeps you guessing and there was a part that I definitely did not see coming!  #3 in this series is You Betrayed Me and I’m sure I’ll read it at some point.
I find that I like to read light book series that are not too long after I’ve done the heavy reading. 



The Woman They Could Not Silence-This book was absolutely amazing.  It is the story of a woman who most people have never heard of who is responsible for many of rules about how we humanely treat mentally ill patients while they are hospitalized. She also fought very hard for women’s rights and the rights of married women. 
The story starts in 1860 and Elizabeth Packard’s husband wants to put her in an institution because she is disagrees with him, reads what she wants and will no longer go to church with him.  He is the local pastor so this is a really bad look for him. In truth, he feels very threatened by her intelligence and independence and her unwillingness to keep her ideas to herself. 
He succeeds in getting her committed to an insane asylum where she is horrified by the conditions. This book is maddening because men who behave badly mostly suffer zero consequences. However, it is also very hopeful and uplifting because it demonstrates how anyone can have a positive impact on themselves and the world. 
I thoroughly enjoyed this book and will read another by this author, Kate Moore, called Radium Girls.

Reading Journey: Goal=75
Jan: 8 Feb: 4 Mar: 6 Apr: 6=24

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