Travel Adventures-The Villa at Città della Pieve

Time for more travel adventures!! After Cinque Terre we are in Città della Pieve staying at an Italian villa for the week. In another blog post I will share with you our adventures during the week, but today I want to introduce you to the town and the villa.


The town is very walkable and quite charming. There is everything you could want there including a grocery store (Conad), several restaurants, cafes, shopping possibilities and places of historical interest.

Throughout this entire trip, I fell in love with all of the beautiful doors. One day I might create something with all of the photos of the gorgeous doors.

One of the cute cafes where you can buy wine, coffee, desserts, focaccia, etc…When you order a glass of wine, you get this lovely charcuterie board (for free) with chips, salami, breadsticks, olives and other yummies. And the wine is very inexpensive; a glass of red is 4 euros or about $5 per glass. And it’s very good!


The Villa is a gorgeous Italian farmhouse with 7 bedrooms and 7 bathrooms. It is large and very comfy. There are many areas to sit and relax, some where you can commune with others and some where you can be alone. It was wonderful to spend time here and very difficult to leave.


My photos do not do the inside of the villa justice. I recommend clicking on this link to look at the website.

The living room and the kitchen. The kitchen saw LOTS of action and it was a great place for food creation.
The dining room table is behind the couch.

Many a meal was eaten here and this plate was just one night. Salmon, chicken, lemon ricotta pasta and salad-it was as good as it looked!!

This was the room where I spent my week and it was lovely. Each room has it’s own bathroom and the windows have screens so that you can leave them open for light and sounds of the villa.


The outside of the villa is stunning. From the grounds, to the views, to how many spaces there are for group or individual activities.

This door opens to the kitchen and leads to another eating area where we often had breakfasts, snacks or just sat outside to read and hangout.

This is the outdoor table. This other seating area you’d find many of us having our morning coffee and biscotti. Sometimes in the afternoon, guests would sit here and read.

This first photo is a little pre-breakfast nosh! The 2nd photo is the view from the balcony of my bedroom and the 3rd photo is the backyard. Clothes on the line are a very common sight in Italy.

The backyard also has a pool that is normally closed at the time of year we were there but the owner very graciously left it open for us.

I feel so fortunate that I was invited to stay at this villa. I don’t know that I would have ever considered anything like this. Heck, I’m not even sure that I was aware that people stayed in villas for vacation. In Italy though, this type of accommodation is very typical and great when you are a large group.

In my next travel update, I will share a few of the little towns that we visited.

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