Coats Closet De-Clutter & Re-Organize

I finally completed a task on my goals list. This was one that I procrastinated doing and when I finally did, the task did not take nearly as long as I thought it would!
The goal was to only work on the coats, jackets, scarves, etc….The whole closet will be done in the future but for now it’s the clothing that requires attention. I knew that I had many items that I wasn’t wearing and wouldn’t wear. Time to find them a new home!


This closet is in my hallway so it’s long and narrow making it very difficult to photograph.

Items were very tightly packed in making it hard to see what I even had. As a result, I was usually wearing items at the end and those in the middle got lost.


For some reason, I had a TON of scarves. Many were gifts over several years but the reality is that I don’t often wear scarves. I pulled all of them out and went through each one. I knew that I’d keep a few but that’s it. And I knew that I didn’t 2 scarf hangers!!


After the scarves, I went through another not often worn item-shawls. I tend to wear these more during cooler weather but again not often. I didn’t have a lot of them but they were still taking up space.


Now it’s time for the main event! I pulled everything out and placed the items on my bed by length-waist, mid & long. Previously, everything had been mixed up so it was easy for a short jacket or sweater to get lost amongst the longer items.

Now it’s all empty and time to re-organize! In addition to arranging the items by length, I also created a donation pile.

coats and jackets

Ultimately, I decided to put the scarves, shawls and shorter items near what I consider the “front” of the closet. The door is nearest to my bedroom door and it’s the door I usually open when looking for an outerwear item.

There are now significantly fewer clothing items in this closet and I can in fact see all that I have. I have some specialty items like rain coats and a couple of shawled coats for more special occasions. Otherwise, the remaining items are things that I will wear regularly depending on the weather, season, occasion etc…..

coat closet

I’m very happy with how it all worked out and that it did not take a very long time to accomplish!
Any feedback? Share in the comments.

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