April 2022 Monthly Goals and Intentions

Time is really marching on! We are in the 4th month of the year and it feels as if we got here very quickly. In any event, it’s time to review how I did with March goals and share my April goals with you.


Clean out coast closet-COMPLETED. This was one of those tasks that I procrastinated on and it didn’t take nearly as long as my mind told me it would.
Set up appointment to remove furniture-COMPLETED. Not only did I set up the appointment but I also had the furniture removed! It is such a good feeling to have these items gone. See the blog post about it here.
Shampoo the hall carpet-NOPE. This is another task that I know will not take as long as I’ve built in up in my mind but I just haven’t done it yet.

Make the monthly birthday cards-COMPLETED.
Put 2021 Project Life pages in a binder-IN PROGRESS. I have started but I needed to purchase some transparent page covers. It will be done by the end of April.
Make progress on the living room project-COMPLETED. I am just about ready to photograph the finish product. There is one small project that I need to finish to call it done!

Exercise x 9-I completed 1 exercise session.
6,000 steps x 20 days. I completed 16 days.
Eat fast food no more than 4 times per month. I went over by double and stopped counting. This one was purely due to lack of planning my lunches when going out to visit clients.

Daily gratitude journaling-COMPLETED
Finish Atomic Habits-NOPE. Try as I might, I could not get into this book right now. I also discussed this in a recent post. I will choose a different book for the next quarter.

Weekly Savings Challenge-COMPLETED. I continue to send funds electronically to my savings account.
Review my budget at least twice per month-NOPE. I continue to struggle with this one. I also discussed it in my recent goals post. I will continue to explore ways to get better at this task.
Track spending weekly-COMPLETED. I do continue to track where my money is going and collect receipts to assist with that.


I decided to focus on fewer goals this month. I want to really get done the items that I procrastinate on. I’m trying to not give myself an out-if I only have 1 thing to do……..we’ll see how it goes. I’m pretty good at finding “new” things to work on!


*Shampoo the hall carpet


*Finish the decor item for the living room refresh
*Make 1 traditional scrapbook page


*Exercise x 8
*6,000 steps x 20 days


*Continue daily gratitude journaling
*Start Clever Girl Finance book. I’m hoping to connect reading this book with working on my budget review.


*Continue weekly savings challenge
*Budget Review weekly-set a timer for the task


March is gone and we have cruised into April. The weather will start getting nicer and the sun goes down later. This is typically the time of year where we all feel the need to “renew.” More closets get cleaned out as well as a renewed focus on our outdoor spaces. I know that I will start to feel the itch to work on my balcony but I’m trying very hard focus on finishing up my living room refresh before moving on.
If you have any advice for me, please share it in the comments.

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