First Quarter Goals Review


In order to make sure that I don’t forget any of my stated goals and to make sure that I have time to work on my goals for this year, I have decided that I will review my goals at the end of each quarter.  We’ve arrived at the end of March so it’s time to review where things stand at the end of the first quarter. 


home goals

*Paint kitchen cabinets-not yet
*Replace light switch so that lights can be dimmed-not yet
*Repair ceiling-not yet

*Refresh dining room-not yet
*Clean out hutch-not yet
*Get rid of armoire-COMPLETED!!!!!
*Remove boxes and other stuff that doesn’t belong-IN PROGRESS
*Re-arrange furniture?-not yet

*Clean out 3rd floor storage-IN PROGRESS
*Clean out garage storage-not yet


fitness goals

*Set a monthly workout goal-yes
*Set a monthly nutrition goal-yes
*Set a monthly step goal-yes
In my monthly goals, I have been setting goals in these areas in the last 3 months. Can’t say that I’ve met all of the goals but I am setting them.


creative goals

*Do Project Life for 2022-yes
*Create a digital or traditional scrapbook page monthly-not yet
*Make and send cards to family and friends each month-yes
In order to create the traditional or digital scrapbook page each month, I am going to need to schedule time to work on this specific project.


spiritual/personal development goals

*Daily gratitude journaling-yes
*Read 1 personal growth/development book each quarter-NOPE
*Engage in some form of self care weekly-FORGOT
I have been trying to read Atomic Habits since last year and have not been able to get into it. As a result, I haven’t met this goal for the quarter. For next quarter, I will choose another personal development book to read by the end of the next quarter.
Regarding self-care weekly, I completely forgot that this was even a goal for me. I think that I need to be more specific as to what I mean by self-care. I think that I do engage in self-care fairly regularly, but I don’t think of it as that.


financial goals

*Weekly Budget Review-not really
*Monthly Budget Review-yes but not as thorough as I should be doing it
*Participate in a savings challenge-yes
I’m working on trying out a different way to work on my budget without it feeling like such a chore. Scheduling a time is good but it’s not enough. Next quarter I think that I will try setting a timer so that I don’t feel overwhelmed at the thought of working on my budget.


So far, I am satisfied with how this first quarter has gone. I know that I could have done more but I made some important progress that I feel good about. I’m thrilled that I have gotten rid of the armoire as well as some other items. I’m so close to finishing my living room refresh and while I’m not sure what will be next, I have a few ideas! Finally, I’m really glad that I decided to review my goals on a quarterly basis. I feel like I have time to get started or catch up!!
One area I would like to get better about is adding some of my monthly goals to my annual list. Things like cleaning out my master closet or shampooing the carpet. These are goals that get added to my monthly list but aren’t on my annual list. I think I may need a special category for these goals.
What about you? Any goals that you’re working on? How’s it going? Share in the comments!

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