My Book Reading Adventures-February 2022

Today I’m sharing books that I’ve recently read or listened to. My goal for 2022 is to read 75 books (I read 56 last year). Last month, I shared 8 books that I’ve read and today I will share 4 more. To reach my goal of 75, I will need to read about 6 books per month. I expect that there will be months that I read more and some that I read fewer so 75 is feeling like a good goal!
This month is all about the mystery/psychological thriller genre.


book-behind closed doors

I have read other books by this author and have liked them all. This one is no different. You think you know what’s going on and you partially do but then the author throws a curve ball that makes it even more interesting.


book-the breakdown

Another good book by B. A. Paris. What I appreciate about these books is that the tension never lets up and the characters question themselves about their own thoughts we all do. The set ups are very realistic which can sometimes be frustrating.


book-such a quiet place

This mystery novel was not what I expected but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I also read The Last House Guest by this author and really enjoyed it as well. This current book really leaves you guessing as to what actually happened and you are spun around and again.


book-watching you

Lisa Jewell is an author I have enjoyed for many years. This is one of her newer books and nothing has changed. Ms. Jewell is a suspenseful writer who weaves several characters into the storyline and constantly keeping you guessing. I enjoy books where the characters are conflicted and no one is completely innocent-everyone has their secrets. There are lots of secrets in this book which I was so enthralled with that I read it in 2 days!!

Share in the comments if you’ve read any of these books or have some recommendations of your own!

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