Outfits-My Recent Fashions

While things haven’t fully opened up yet, it is starting to. I have more and more reasons to get dressed and go outside. Today, I’m sharing a few of my recent outfits. As the world opens up more, I am looking forward to not just getting dressed but really expressing myself and my style through fashion.
NOTE: I discovered fun new photo technique where I can remove the background of my original photo and add in something completely different! Please bear with me while I have fun with this feature!!



Nothing in this photo is new. I am wearing some ankle length boyfriend jeans with a frayed hem, a plaid shirt tied at the waist with a while camisole underneath. It was a warm-ish day so I also have on my Teva sandals.


I am again wearing the boyfriend jeans along with a t-shirt from this year’s Target’s Black History Month collection.


Today I’m going out to visit some clients and it’s on the warm side. Again, nothing here new. I’m wearing a sleeveless polka dot shirt with a knot at the bottom and black linen pants along with leopard print flats.


This is another outfit for a work day and lunch with co-workers. Again, the pieces are all old. This shirt I haven’t worn in a very long time and I made an effort to wear something that hasn’t seen the light of day for awhile. The shirt is watercolor abstract design and the pants are simple gray capri pants. One of the features of this shirt that I like (and had forgotten about) is the high/low feature. It’s longer in the back and a little shorter in the front.
I also have a matching skirt for this shirt. One warm spring day, I’ll have to wear them together.

Next month, I hope I have some more creatively styled outfits.
What say you? Do you feel like your sense of dressing has declined or no? Share in the comments.

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Michyle LaPedis
Michyle LaPedis
February 23, 2022 8:39 am

Great pix and I like the new photo technique 🙂 That rock background reminds me of aliens though – LOL!

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