What I Read Recently-January 2022

Last month, I shared a books that I read during the final months of 2021. Today, I’m sharing my January list. I’m only sharing books that I actually finished. I have 2 books going right now and I’m not sure that I will finish 1 of them.
I had a very active reading month which is my favorite kind of month!

99% Mine-Sally Thorne
This was a fun light read. After reading so many heavy books especially those of the psychological thriller variety, this was a fun departure.

Every Last Fear-Alex Finlay
A psychological thriller with lots of twists and turns. I was definitely surprised by who was revealed to be the killer. This one does not disappoint.

Final Girls-Riley Sager
This book is an interesting concept. 3 survivors of different horrific crimes remain. One has been found dead and one has disappeared. Well written and nicely paced. I despise thrillers where none of the questions get answered and then in the final 25-50 pages ALL of the questions get answered. Lots of intrigue in this one and some twists that I didn’t count on.

The Dry-Jane Harper
I read (listened) to this book for one of my book clubs. It was about 12 hours long. I was able to listen to the whole book during my drive home from Southern California because the main freeway was closed.
Anyway, now that I’ve shared my pain let me say that I very much enjoyed this story. This is a thriller where a man returns home after a childhood friend has been murdered. Years earlier, another of the friends was murdered and they know more than they disclosed at the time. The past comes in to haunt the present and no one will move forward until the truth is known.

The Maidens-Alex Michaelides
I read this author’s first book, The Silent Patient, and loved it. The Maidens is equally good and there are a couple of references in this book to The Silent Patient.

The Mars Room-Rachel Kushner
This book is dark but thrilling. The stories are not happy ones and there is not a lot of happiness in this book. The author gives us insight in the seedy worlds of drugs, strip clubs and prison. It takes place in San Francisco and references lots of the places that I am familiar with. This is a real life story that pulls no punches and leaves you frustrated. But, it is so very good and worth your time.

The Shadows We Hide-Allen Eskens
This is the 2nd book I read by this author. The first book, the Life We Bury, I read for one of my book clubs. This book was hard to put down and I finished it in just a couple of days. It continues the story of Joe Talbert, who in the first book investigated the life of a vet accused of rape and murder and who now is investigating the murder of the father he has never known.

While Justice Sleeps-Stacy Abrams
Yes, THAT Stacy Abrams is the author of this novel. This is a political thriller and murder mystery. This book is really good. It drags for a bit in the middle and there is a ton of detail but it pays off in the end. I listened to it and very intrigued by all of the details and players.

That’s the list for this month. That’s 8 book towards my goal of 75 for the year. At this rate, I’ll get closer to 100 but I know that I’ll have lulls in reading at different points during the year.

If you have books to recommend, please add in the comments.

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