Here are a few of the creative/homemade items that I’ve recently finished. Last year, I lost my creative mojo for a lot of the year and this year I want to be creative more regularly.  The more I create, the more creative I am. 

January Birthday Cards

These are a couple of cards that I created. I like making cards because they don’t generally take a long time to finish.  It’s usually the design process that takes the most time.

Home Decor

While working on my living room refresh, I decided that I wanted to make a blanket ladder.  I had the wood from another project so all I really needed was time.  Well, I procrastinated for a good long while. I then watched a bunch of YouTube videos about how to make a DIY blanket ladder and got to it. 

It’s a fairly easy project but I have to say that having longer nails for my nail gun would have made it much easier. 

blanket ladder

After cutting the boards down to size and cutting the rungs, I simply had to attach the rungs to the sides.  Originally, I was going to use the miter box to cut the wood but then I got out my jigsaw so that I could cut the wood faster and save some muscle power. I was able to cut down the ladder legs from wood that I already had and was also able to get 2 rungs out of the other wood. The wood was already stained from the previous project so I simply had to work on attaching everything together.
As usual, it was awkward because the pieces were long. But using some strong woman power with the hammer and nails, I got it done! I did get a sore shoulder from all of the hammering so I will definitely be looking into getting some longer nails for my nail gun!

After all was said and done and all of the rungs were attached, I laid the ladder against the wall! I’ll share the final decor of the ladder when I do the finale of my living room refresh!

blanket ladder diy

I’ve been thinking a lot about the decor for my fireplace and decided that it needed some florals.  There are places that sell real flowers in a box that apparently last for like a year. I liked that idea so I decided to do silk flowers in a box. I got both the flowers and the box at Michaels. It’s the perfect size and I can change out the flowers if I want to. 

home decor florals

It feels good to be making cards, scrapbook pages and home decor again. Even though they are different types of creative activities, they all feed into each other.  My mood is always good when I’m creating so I know that I need to make sure that I engage in creative activities on a very regular basis. 

Do you have activities or hobbies that are a mood enhancer for you? Share in the comments.

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