Monthly Goals and Intentions-February 2022

Time to review the goals for January!  The first month of the year is always interesting in terms of deciding on and then working on goals.  There is a lot of enthusiasm initially and then as the month moves forward the enthusiasm tends to wane.  It’s one of the reasons that some say you shouldn’t even make goals. I write this goals post every month so clearly I don’t agree.  I like to use the results of what I did or didn’t get done as information and maybe a catalyst for change. And, I know that I get more done when I write a goals list. Progress not perfection. 


1. Schedule appointment to remove armoire and bookshelf.  In Progress. I didn’t actually schedule the appointment but I did (1) research different companies and (2) get a lead from a friend.  I decided that I’m going to use the person my friend recommended.

2. Make one decor item for the living room. DONE I actually made 2! One that I had planned on and finally did it and another that came out of having a creative thought. I will be sharing the items later on this month. 

3. Shampoo hall carpet-NOT YET.  Just didn’t schedule it.  Will move it to February.

4. Purchase 3rd storage shelf for memory keeping items-ATTEMPTED. I would call this one complete but it’s still on my to do list. The shelves I have are from IKEA and currently there are none available at the 2 locations close to me and they are also not available for shipping.  I’ll have to keep checking because there is currently no way to be notified when back in stock.


Make and send 3 bday cards-DONE-will share soon.
Make scrapbook pages of my holiday cards-DONE and shared here.


This is one of the areas where I’m using January as a baseline.  I want to improve in all of these areas but this is where I’m starting from. 

Exercise 15 times-Completed 8 sessions

7000 steps-24 days-completed 6 days

Drink 64 ounces of water 24 times this month-completed 16

Eat out of my pantry and refrigerator-DONE. The goal was to eat food that I already had at home and I did a good job. I did find some room for improvement, though.  I didn’t plan or prep as much as I should have.  Some nights, I resorted to having a PB&J sandwich for dinner because I hadn’t defrosted or planned anything. This is still better than buying fast food or using Door Dash, though! And, I am very proud to report that none of the fruit I bought went bad.  I actually ate everything except for one orange before I bought this week’s ration. 

Make appointment with the periodontist-DONE.  This is something that my dentist recommended because I have a couple of deep pockets in my gums that need extra cleaning and care. I took the first appointment available which is in JUNE!!!


Daily gratitude journaling-DONE. I’m working on being thoughtful about my gratitude while also working to notice and express gratitude for the simple and ordinary parts of life-like being able to buy whatever I want at the grocery store. 

Start Personal Development book-NOPE-but I still have until the end of March to finish one. I did put the books I plan to read out in the living room so at least I can see them!


Send money to online saving account for the weekly challenge-DONE

Track spending weekly-DONE but still working out a good system

Budget Review-twice per month-DONE



Shampoo hall carpet

Set up appointment to remove armoire, bookshelf and mirror. I figure if I’m going to pay to have it done, I may as well get it all taken care of. 

Clean out hallway coat closet.

Clean off one of my paper clutter areas


Make and send birthday cards

Put 2021 Project Life pages in a binder. I’ll be sharing this in the future. I had my 2021 digital pages printed out!

Work on fireplace decor. It doesn’t have to be the final design but I need to start working on some ideas to get the creative juices flowing. 


Exercise 9 times this month

6,000 steps-20 days

Continue to eat out of the pantry and freezer. This means that I will not buy food for new recipes and I will plan and prep to make sure that I’m eating what I have.   I will only replace fresh/perishable items. My goals is to not buy any meat especially until I eat what’s in my freezer. I have needed to purchase bread, coffee, creamer, vegetables and fruit.


Continue with daily gratitude journaling

Start Personal development book 


Continue to send money to my Weekly Savings Challenge

Budget Review at least 2 times a month

Track spending weekly in my new budget planner-place receipts in an envelope in the planner


So far, I have been consistent with the blog and working on my home projects and goals. I have been very happy with how I’ve planned and worked on projects and creative pursuits.

This is the 2nd month of the first quarter.  At the end of March, I will report progress on short, medium, and long term goals. Remember, even if you haven’t come up with any goals for the year, any day, week or month is a good time to just start.

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February 8, 2022 12:52 pm

Well done on effort and tracking. Good reminder to keep it clear and simple. Thanks will take as Reminder as well!

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