Living Room Refresh-Update

Happy February! I feel like it’s been a long time since I’ve given you an update on my living room refresh! I’ve still been working on it (after taking a bit of a break) and am getting near to the end. I have finished with the big changes and now need to finish up the details. Today, I have a quick update that will move us along in this process.

When I last talked about the refresh, I still needed to paint the wall by my craft area. I did finally finish it and boy am I glad! Looking at the old paint was very hard since most of the room was already finished.


craft area unpainted wall

You can see the old brown color and where I stopped with the gray color.

Unpainted wall craft area

I got everything taken down-the blinds, the curtain rod, the wall piece, the storage shelves and I took down a few clips of the curtains so that I wouldn’t get paint on them.


Painted wall craft area

As usual, once the prep work was done, it didn’t take very long to get this area painted. Because I was going from a dark color to a lighter color, I did 2 primer coats and 2 wall color coats. My walls are textured and the primer helps the wall paint color go on much easier.

Painted wall after

I was a little concerned that you might be able to see a line of demarcation between where I initially stopped painting and where I started but thankfully there is not. I actually went over part of wall that was already painted so that it wasn’t too noticeable. Mission accomplished!


One of the things that has been driving me insane lately is how many things need to be plugged in. In this area I have a essential oil diffuser, an Alexa device, charger cords for my iPad and iPhone, the light cord as well as a cord for one of my crafting machines. The cords were all an ugly mish mash and with so many items I also needed an extension cord!!

Every day, I looked at this mess and would be annoyed because I was enjoying my new living room so much. I found (on Amazon of course) these cable management boxes. I bought both sizes because I couldn’t really tell which would work best.

cord management

I ended up using the large box for the cords pictured above. I think I’m going to use the smaller box next to the television but I haven’t completely decided yet. I am very happy with the result.

Cord management after
cord management final

I was happy that I only needed to use only one power cord. I also like that there is a cut out in the back so that I can keep my charger cords handy. It’s much nicer to look at this box instead of the tangle of cords.

That’s it for this latest living room refresh update. I hope to have more updates and a final reveal in the near future!

Any comments or suggestions? Share in the comments.

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