Monthly Goals and Intentions-January 2022

January Monthly Goals

Hello friends and welcome to the first monthly goals post for 2022. If all goes as planned, these monthly goals will be small steps to get to my overall annual goals. I plan to review the goals quarterly to make sure that I am on track and adjust as needed. Last year, I waited until the 4th quarter and it was too late to really make any adjustments.

Also, if you read my review of 2021 goals you know that I kind of petered out once I returned from my vacation. For that reason, there is no review of goals from November or December. I am starting fresh with January. As usual, my goals reflect projects that I want to complete as well as habits I’m working to establish or break.



Home monthly goal header

*Schedule appointment to remove armoire and bookcase. I have decided that it is worth to pay for removal. I added the bookcase to the plan after thinking long and hard about whether or not I wanted to keep it. I decided not to after realizing that keeping the bookcase does not meet the goal of what I want for my living room design. Should I decide I need a bookcase in the future, I’m sure I’ll be able to find one!
*Make one decor item for the living room.
*Purchase 3rd storage shelf to house memory keeping items.
*Shampoo hall carpet. I have decided to make this a quarterly task otherwise it’s just a waste of time!


Creative monthly goal header

*Make and send 3 birthday cards
*Start putting together scrapbook pages for holiday cards for years 2011 to present. I decided that I am going to make simple pages for each year until I get caught up to about 2019. For the years 2019-2021, I will be more creative and also include photos from the holiday season. From my photo organization project, I already have the cards separated by year. This is also a way for me to get my creative juices flowing again.


Health/Fitness monthly goal header

*Exercise 15 times
*7,000 steps for 24 days
*64 ounces of water for 24 days
*Eat out of my freezer and pantry-I’m kind of doing what they call a “you have food at home” challenge! I will buy fresh food and essentials but otherwise I’m going to be eating what I already have on hand. My pantry especially is stuffed with food. My freezer has salmon, shrimp, chicken and hamburger. I recently bought some produce and breakfast foods so there’s no reason for me to eat out.
*Make appointment with the periodontist.


Spiritual monthly goals header

*Daily gratitude journaling
*Start one of my personal development books to be finished by the end of March (Quarter 1).


*Savings Challenge-transfer money into SOFI account every week
*Track spending weekly-collect receipts and enter onto my spreadsheet
*Budget review 2 times per month. As we know, this has been a struggle for me! I’m trying to find a rhythm that works with my personality and still meets my goal of being intentional about how I use my money.


Every year, I choose a word of the year to help focus my energy and intention. I struggled a bit this year but have finally settled on my choice. Once I decided, I had to parse it down further so that it wasn’t overwhelming. My word for 2022 is:


This year, I will work on being consistent with posting on my blog. Why the blog you may ask. I realized that when I am consistent with posting on my blog, I am also consistent with working on projects, focusing on my goals and generally just paying attention to my life.
This doesn’t mean that I won’t take breaks when necessary. It does mean though that I will work on getting ahead with my posts so that I’m not writing them the day before I want to post and that my breaks will be planned. If I am far enough ahead on my posts, you may not even notice that I’m taking a break!

Word of the Year monthly goals header

Whew! Here we go! Do you have goals and intentions for 2022? Do you choose a word for the year? Share in the comments.

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